Friday, 20 September, 2024

President Xi's visit expected to raise living standard of mountain people: Pokharel 

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Kathmandu, Oct 11: Former Minister for Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation Ananda Prasad Pokharel Friday said that Nepal and China were close friends and the age-old bilateral relations between the two countries were growing.     
Pokharel, who is the founder of the Nepal-China Himalayan Friendship, said so in the context of the state visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping to Nepal beginning tomorrow.     
Stating that Nepal and China had very strong ties and had signed a seven-point agreement, Pokharel noted that the fourth point of the agreement mentioned about protecting the livelihood of the people of the mountain region and raising their living standard.    
"Fifteen districts of the mountain region of Nepal share border with Tibet. In contrast with the kind of prosperity that is found in the northern neighbourhood of Nepal, there is poverty and impoverishment in the districts in Nepal south of the border. We should develop hydropower, medicinal herbs and mountain agriculture which are immense possible resources. The people of the mountainous districts bordering China have expected a great deal of Chinese support in these sectors. I have the conviction that President Xi's this visit will play an important role in the development and the uplift of the living standard of the people of this region," Pokharel said.    
He stated that the Nepal-China relations should be defined from two aspects – one is the people-to-people ties, which began in the fifth century with Buddha Bhadra of Nepal visiting China and the other the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. Nepal-China relations are free of dispute since the establishment of diplomatic ties.    
"There is no border dispute with Chine through Nepal and China share a long border in the mountainous region. Both countries have excellent and cordial relations," he said, adding that there is also the basis to prove that Gautam Buddha was born in Lumbini which has been clearly mentioned in the travelogues of Chinese Biddhist prietsts Huen Tsang, Faihan who visited Lumbini during the fifth century.    
Talking about the importance of the relations between the two countries, Pokharel said: "Nepal is a land-locked country. We remained India-bounded since long and because of this Nepal had to face border blockade several times. It was after the latest such blockade in 2015 that we reached to the situation of signing a Trade and Transit Agreement with our northern neighbour as well. Recently, we have signed a seven-point agreement, which has provided opportunity to Nepal of accessing the four sea ports of China without any hindrance. We also have access to Chinese dry ports.    
There is also talk of constructing petroleum pipeline and electricity transmission line from China to Nepal. In this way, Nepal has developed as a land-linked country. Nepal has promoted good relations with both its neighbours. This is the historic achievement for the Nepali people. This has helped make the bilateral relations between the two countries deeper and trustworthy. Nepal has been supporting the one-China policy and has expressed its commitment not to allow any anti-China activities from its soil. Nepal has fully embraced the non-aligned foreign policy and pursued its bilateral relations with China. All Nepalis have the sense that the visit by President Xi will extend much support to Nepal's economic, social, physical infrastructure and cultural development."    
Pokharel said a situation has been created for the Chinese President to visit Nepal after a gap of 23 years, which clearly shows the importance that China has attached to Nepal. The relation between Nepal and China is deep and cordial. China has taken Nepal as its reliable friend. China has given importance to Nepal from the geo-political perspective as well. The people of the northern mountainous districts of Nepal and the Tibet autonomous region of China have common culture and tradition, there is inter-marriage. We also share the pasture land, rivers, waterfalls, culture and the Himalaya mountains. The relation between the two countries is moving ahead in a very systematic and cordial manner marked by highest goodwill and trust.    
Asked what should be done to make this relationship more strong, Pokharel said, "The Chinese President has presented the policy of 'neighbours first'. The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) concept that China brought forward in 2013 envisages promoting infrastructure development, economic integration and expansion of global relations. Nepal has also entered the BRI. China has become the country making the highest investment in Nepal. Big investment has entered Nepal and China has expressed its commitment to construct big development and construction projects."    
Explaining about the BRI, he said BRI has become an issue of global discussion and it envisages making the world a 'global home'. Nepal signed in to BRI in 2017 as per this concept. Countries Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Maldives, among others which are part of BRI have taken much benefit from it by starting works.    
However, Nepal has so far not been able to start works in this regard by assigning priorities. Nepal's President Bidya Devi Bhandari had visited China to take part in the Second Council meeting of BRI. That meeting issued a 35-point BRI Declaration. The 23rd point of the declaration mentions about Trans-Himalaya Railway Connectivity and about the preparations being made for the seventh connectivity which includes South Asia as well as the development of Rasuwa-Kathmandu-Pokhara-Lumbini Route. Nepal would be a gateway for the development of South Asia. It is the expectation of Nepali government and people that there should be unrestricted movement between the two countries. Nepal's Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli has reiterated this hope through the election manifesto and requested the Chinese friends for this from time to time. This would be a historic thing if this Seventh Corridor could be developed via Nepal. This has been addressed in principle through the second council meeting of BRI.    
He added that there is possibility of aircraft flying to many cities in China. The situation of Nepali airlines operating flights to Beijing, Kunming, Guangzhou, Chendu, among other cities has been prepared. Works on expanding the business to business and people-to-people relations have also been started. Works on tourism promotion too have been started.    
The former Minister stressed that Nepal should take BRI as an opportunity to fulfill the aspiration of the Nepali people and government for development and prosperity. He said the government should move ahead works as per this thinking.    
Asked what the Society under his patronage was doing, Pokharel said, "The Society, which was established in 2009 with the objective of improving the living standard of the people of the 15 districts of the mountainous region of Nepal that share border with China, is working since the last 10 years keeping this goal in mind. It has been carrying out different activities in this regard. It has distributed ambulances in different mountainous districts, constructed health posts, hospitals and water supply projects.    
Recently, the Yunan University, Department of Foreign Affairs had organised the Fifth Himalayan Forum. We had proposed to open 12 transit points in that programme.. Works are being carried out to improve the life of the people in the mountainous districts in view of the geographical difficulties there.    
Pokharel wished that Nepal-China relations become long-lasting and enduring. This ancient relation should grow from strength to strength. Like President Xi has mentioned that the whole world is a community and the objective of humanity's welfare and development that is there will provide big support to Nepal's prosperity and economic development.    