Saturday, 27 July, 2024

Elderly woman drowns


Chitwan, Mar. 20: An elderly woman drowned in a well at Madi Municipality-7 in the district. The deceased, Sukamaya Ranabhat, 74, from the locality, who had stepped out of her house today morning, failed to return home, prompting a police search for her, which resulted in the finding of her body afloat in the well near her house.

Her sandals and walking stick were recovered from outside the well, said the police. Her body has been brought to Bharatpur Hospital for post-morterm examinations and investigations were underway, said the police.

Similarly, a man has been swept away by the Narayani River. Nawaraj Shrestha, 16, of Nilkantha Municipality-9 in Dhading district was washed away by the river while he was swimming at Devchuli Municipality-17 in Nawalparasi (Bardaghat-Susta East), said the police. A search has been launched for the missing Shrestha, said Deputy Superintendent of Police Dilip Kumar Giri.