Saturday, 21 September, 2024

Democracy could be at risk in absence of RTI: Baskota


Salyan, Nov 14: National Information Commission's Chief Commissioner Krishna Hari Banskota has asserted that the Right to Information (RTI) was lifeline of the democracy and if it would not be enforced effectively, democracy could be at risk.
At an interaction organized by the Commission in the district headquarters of Salyan-Khalanga-on Thursday, Chief Commissioner Banskota argued that good-governance and democracy be institutionalized through the implementation of the RTI.
Pressing for the need for the State to make public its work report quarterly, Banskota viewed that the traditional mindset among the people's representatives and civil employees were the challenges facing the implementation of RTI in Nepal.
Furthermore, Banskota decried against the cavalier attitude of the people's representatives to implement the RTI.
He shared that through implementation of RTI, we would combat corruption, attract foreign investment and advance the economic agendas.
"The civil employees and people's representatives should understand that public are the master since they are the sovereign one," he argued, adding "In democracy, RTI empowers citizens."
Similarly, District Coordination Committee Chair Keshav Bahadur Bista pledged to make everyone responsible to enforce RTI.
"Its imperative that we bring into effect the RTI which would help deliver the state-facilities to the service-seekers swiftly and effectively."
Likewise, Chief District Officer Chudaraj Neupane reasoned that in lack of stability among the civil servants, the RTI was not being effectively implemented.