Monday, 23 September, 2024

Attorney General concerned over increasing crime and its nature  


Chitwan, Jan 28 : Attorney General Agni Prasad Kharel has expressed worry saying the crime and its nature was growing in society.    

Laying the foundation stone of the District Government Attorney Office here today, he said a weak investigation resulted in feeble prosecution and this leads to the criminal getting off the hook.    

The Attorney General informed that the rate of increase in cases since the last five years was 65 per cent and suggested keeping joint attorneys in Chitwan, Kaski, Sunsari and Rupandehi districts as more than 2,000 criminal cases are registered in these districts each year.    

Although one government attorney can handle 150 cases, there is lack of human resources in Nepal as per this standard. He said it would be better to arrest an accused only after carrying out investigation rather than taking somebody into custody the momemt a complaint was filed.    

Attorney General Kharel also insisted on the need of improving the condition of jails and developing these as correction centres.    
President of the Law, Justice and Human Rights Committee of the House of Representatives, Krishna Bhakta Pokhrel, stressed on making the justice prompt and efficient.    

Deputy Attorney General Narayan Prasad Poudel, District Court Chitwan justice Hemanta Rawal, District Court Chitwan Bar Association president Kamal Patahk among the speakers highlighted the role of government attorneys in efficient prosecution and administration of justice.    

An agreement has been signed with Hanuman Construction of Lalitpur for the construction of the three-and-half-storied building. The building will have 24 rooms and will be constructed at a cost of Rs 49.87 million.