Wednesday, 22 January, 2025

Search For Happiness

Nabin Nepal

Abraham Maslow says: “When a person is physically comfortable and no longer driven by fear of starving or freezing to death, impassioned becomes a primary pursuit.” Happiness may take many forms but it is the underlying impetus in most our decisions. Even with a natural instinct and our best effort, it seems all too easy to create emotional chaos and unhappiness instead.
It is facile to behold between the sentiment of pleasure and pain. You often have a layer of beliefs that is inclined to complicate our gratification and felicity. The assumed impact on emotions, the radiance about the choice is the ardent behind our decisions for merriment. Each person has different assumptions and beliefs in order to get to that emotion. You feel better because you have satisfied the beliefs in the mind. Each person’s jovial is behind a barrier of criteria. If you can meet the criteria in your mind, you will reward them with pleasurable emotions, at least for a moment.
A large part of rapport is about avoiding what you call anguish. Compensating strategies do not eliminate the shibboleth beliefs, but people rely on them to keep your fears managed. People try to satisfy the criteria in your mind in order to feel good. That might also mean doing things to atone for fears and beliefs of something painful happening. The end goal is happiness and all the beliefs, fears, assumptions, and perceptions in the mind dictate the path. You can find these beliefs hiding behind thoughts or comments like, “I’ll be happy when…” or, “I would feel much better if…”
Achieving and creating happiness generally isn’t accomplished the way you think. Some people are able to pursue your assumptions and satisfy your belief system when you consider this success and upbeat. But it doesn’t work for everyone. Some people’s beliefs keep oscillating and chasing those assumptions when they get tired of the chase or disheartened as the happiness momentary. Some people attempt to satisfy the beliefs in their mind but they fail to be tranquil during their whole.
Maybe your mind moves the target before you get there or maybe, there is a greater happiness and fulfilment to be experienced than just satisfying criteria or compensating fears in the mind.
The pursuit of heart-warming has turned into a struggle to get recognised and promoted as our society has set this as the means of emotional end. The pursuit of happiness has turned into a pursuit of assumptions in our belief system. The problem here is that you bought into our delusion as being true.
The pursuit of happiness is real. It is an authentic. For those who feel deep emotional yearning, simply meeting the credo about what is supposed to gratify does not satisfy this yearning. At a deeper level, it becomes about the desideratum, or satisfying something at the level of the soul. Answering these desires is much more meaningful and emotionally fulfilling than satisfying the beliefs in the mind. To create, and live in real happiness, you need to learn not to blindly chase the fallacy in the mind. You will have to pay closer attention to the end goal of emotion and not jump after the first idea the mind offers as a means to get there.