Saturday, 11 January, 2025

Artists for K Lang prepared in Panchthar


By Our Correspondent
Panchthar, Mar. 15: Ninety young artists are being produced in Falgunanda Rural Municipality of Panchthar district by imparting them training to pass on the original skills of ‘K’ ‘Lang’ (Chyabrung dance) - a traditional dance of Limbus --to the younger generation.

The artists to play and dance in tune with the drum (Chyabrung) were prepared from an eight-day training organised with the technical assistance of the local Namsami Kesami K Lang group.
The training was imparted to the youths from each ward of Falgunanda rural municipality. The local level has seven wards.
It is said that 30 dancers have been produced as instructors from the training.

Instructor Yam Prasad Nembang said that the training provided practical skills as well as theoretical education on Chyabrung dance.
In the Limbu language, ‘K’ refers to musical instrument drum and ‘Lang’ means dancing.

‘K Lang’ dances are performed to the same rhythm and movement in a circular group, copying the gestures of different animals.
Animals like butterfly, snake, deer, bear, elephant, cow, dog and lizard are imitated in the ‘K Lang’ dance.
When dancers perform ‘K Lang’ with thrilling performances of different creatures, the vibrancy of any cultural event would be different.

Many Limbu cultures are now on the verge of extinction as new generation people are showing indifferent to their cultures. However, the ‘K Lang’ is still popular among Limbu youth.
Rural Municipality Chairman Bir Bahadur Kurumbang said that the training was arranged keeping in mind that the youths should feel ownership to their fading cultural practices.
Thakur Singh Nembang, a local Limbu culture conservationist, said that the government is committed to preserving the cultures of the people.