Friday, 10 January, 2025

Sharing Emotions

Sanju Maharjan

As Nietzsche said, "Blessed are the forgetful, for they get the better even of their blunders."
How good would it be to be able to forget all the bad things that happened in our life. Well, I know that life is a mixture of good and bad things. As spring comes after autumn, there is no benefit lingering around the bad memories or just thoughts. But did anyone teach us these things? About having a positive mentality, optimism and opening up about our problems?

We have teachers who teach us about general knowledge needed in life excluding the psychological and emotional education. Why showing emotions are not appreciated in our society, especially for the men. All this knowledge we gain might be useless if we are emotionally uneducated. Every big issue can be solved if expressed and communicated well. But if the emotions concerning a small issue are kept inside, it can make people weak.
Overthinking various unnecessary imaginary events, mostly negative, can lead to something as big as depression to humans. Once people start getting depressed, they do not want to get out of it. Depression makes the people upset every moment. They start thinking of being sad. This is a major part of their personality. Getting help or opening up crosses their mind. But as mentioned above, depression holds tight and doesn't let go easily that makes seeking for help even more difficult.

Expressing emotions has always been a tough job for most people because this makes them feel vulnerable and exposed. Being vulnerable is not a bad thing if you do it at the right time with the right person. Calculating the right things can be a burden for some people. So they start feeling that they are vulnerable when you suppress your emotions. You don't get to look at your problems from another perspective, worsening the situation.
And even if you try to collect all the courage you have, you don't know what to share, and how to share since you are not used to it. The key to sharing is just speaking about it with your raw emotions and words without thinking about anything like: this does not make sense, I cannot share even if I try, the other person is going to think I'm crazy, something is wrong with me, I'm better off without sharing. It's not a competition and you do not have to be perfect at it. Like every other thing, we get better at it after some time. Sharing will just lighten the heavy weight you carry within yourself when done with a person you trust.

Now that I have finally started sharing, I have learned that the one who encourages you to share and open up about your problems may not always be the one you feel comfortable to speak with but you sure need that push to start. And sometimes you just need to share to clear out things in your head rather than being advised. Sharing will make you vulnerable but not weak instead, bottling up all your feelings within you might. And it is okay to be vulnerable at times, even Thor, the God of Thunder was vulnerable in the End game, but we don't hate him or consider him weak, do we?