Monday, 13 January, 2025

Comfort Character

Nishtha Shrestha

All of us have watched a movie or read a book. Our selection of entertainment could have been influenced by media, friends or boredom but one common outcome from this activity is the attachment to a certain character. As you read these lines, your brain must have already reminded you of that fictional person or animal. Why did you relate to this character? What was the unique trait that attracted you? These questions are worth asking when one finds themselves drawn to these beings of the virtual and imaginary world.

A simple definition of a comfort character is a fictional character which provides feelings of safety and relaxation. In the past, reliance on social engagement for relaxation was common. Now the same is sought through the virtual world. There are a few who distract themselves through books but the majority would love to watch a series or a movie for relaxation. The sense of calmness provided by a comfort character makes us re-watch the movie or re-read a book even though we already know the storyline.

We all have our comfort characters and the associations we have built with them stays even after we have outgrown them. For example, Tom and Jerry was a famous cartoon in the 90s. The plotline is the same in all episodes yet the feelings of safety and happiness experienced by the individuals who love this cartoon, makes it a comfort zone for them regardless of the age they are in. Many of us in the current pandemic too have relied on such comfort characters to distract ourselves from the chaos in the real world.

It is a wise decision to encourage children to focus on studies. But prohibiting children completely from watching movies or reading comic books is not a healthy option. The reason behind this is that children thrive through imagination. We have all witnessed children in our surrounding pretending to be a superhero like Batman or Superman. Rather than just looking at the behaviour as a common trend among children, parents can talk to children about the qualities that they are drawn to in a superhero.

For some children, a character in a book could help explain the feelings that they are unable to express. As children relate to such characters easily, it is a better option than just relying on words to make them follow an instruction. For example, there are children books that address issues such as toilet training, first day at school and the arrival of a new sibling. All of these are big changes for a child and it is possible that the child would show a liking to such characters if they are undergoing the same issue. Such attachments provide a clue to understand the reason behind the frustrations and sudden outbursts in a child.

Humans are drawn to art in times of crisis. Such comfort characters are also an expression of art. We create distinctions among the different forms of art such as movies, books and video games but all of them are designed for relaxation and learning provided they are used in the right way. Sometimes comfort characters make us reflect on our own choices. At other times, they help us learn a better way to tackle a problem. The reasons behind the choice of a comfort character are many but caution is advised to maintain a boundary between reality and fiction.