Sunday, 12 January, 2025

Falling In Love

Dixya Poudel

Cupid may be a cherubic toddler with a bow and arrow, but don’t be taken in by the innocence. Once the Cupid’s arrow forays, no one can escape the beatific surge of dopamine. It leads to the famous phrase in English language, “falling in love.”

According to the Greek mythology, Eros was the god of love and his counterpart Cupid was the son of Mercury and Venus. While Mercury was the winged messenger to the gods, Venus was the goddess of love. Their progeny was thus the winged infant Cupid that struck an arrow to unsuspecting individuals, leading to whirlwind romances. Cupid may not have an appearance in Shakespearean plays but the plots imply the power of Cupid’s arrow through metaphors.

Falling in love is really one of the life changing experiences. While it might be an individual experience, its implications range from the social to cultural. As such, Valentine’s Day is celebrated on February 14 each year and even before the day arrives, there is a buzz in the air. Romance lingers on as couples look forward to celebrating their love. However, those who are single either dread the 14th of February or feign nonchalance while internally hoping that they will eventually find the one.

The romance industry thrives on the day dedicated to love as vendors sell flowers and cards. Further, romance movies and shows premiere on this very day. While it is all well for the couples deeply in love, the singles may find it as a rather blaring reminder on their status. Before the roses wither, couples amplify their affection for each other while the singles hope for better luck next year.

Love is a noun that is expressed through a verb. It is said that one has to love in actions instead of through words. It isn’t thus surprising that psychologists stress on love as a verb. Psychology emphasises on the importance of being a loving person to be in a stable relationship. Often people come with prior experiences that either hinder or support their current relationships.

While in love, everything appears rosy just like the Valentine’s Day roses but it is important that love endures all highs and lows. Year after year, the Valentine’s Day arrives when in fact each day should be a celebration of love. People esteem the notion of falling in love. It is considered one of the greatest feelings in the human spectrum of emotions. When the Cupid’s arrow strikes, the love interest is idolized. Placed on a pedestal, the object of love brings forth a concoction of hormones, emotions and feels.

Heartbeat flutters while feelings are at an all-time high. On the other hand, those who are spared the arrow, find themselves envying the lovers. Cupid’s arrow is thus a metaphor for the providence of love. Is love the fluttering of heartbeats, the longing for the other or the yearning for the happiness in the other? Love as a verb requires a deep feeling as well as support and care. And the highest form of love might be to seek happiness for the ones we love. Ultimately, love is an extension of one’s self. It extends from one being to the other in hope that one not just loves but is loved in return as well.