Friday, 31 January, 2025

Births at hospital increasing in Lamjung, thanks to awareness campaign 


Lamjung, July 25 : The district hospital here saw more than 1,000 live births in the previous fiscal year, 2020/21. Out of the total 1,171 births, 888 were normal delivery while 193 through surgery and 90 through C-section, said the hospital chief Hemanta Shrestha.    

Births taking place at hospitals are increasing with awareness reaching out to pregnant women and parents, he said. The FY, 2019/20 witnessed 1,123 births at the hospital while 1,011 in the FY, 2018/19.    
Being aware, pregnant women from even rural areas visited the hospital, said the hospital. The hospital with 15 beds for maternity service has been providing the service since 2058 BS.