Sunday, 2 February, 2025

Impressive Analysis of Politics, Nationality, Democracy


Dr. Sashidhar Khanal

Premal Kumar Khanal's third book entitled, 'Nationalism and Comprador Capitalism in Political Economy' is suited to those who demonstrate deeper concerns about the nation's contemporary political economy. The book impressively explains and analyses important issues of nationality, sovereignty, independence, democracy and others.
The book has five sections with a total of 56 articles. Under the nationalism section, there are11 articles while the politics, democracy, parties and government sections carry 6 articles. The section of political economy and comprador capitalism has a whopping 24 articles and the local government section has 4 articles while the public administration has 11 articles.
All 56 articles, extended in 256 pages, attempt to answer questions regarding the above-mentioned issues that arise in every Nepali's mind.
The term nationality covers a wide range of meaning. Although all get ready for raising the issue of nationality in a narrow and restricted sense, Khanal's sense of it is very wide, progressive and time relevant.
By remaining within democratic culture, Khanal describes a nation as a supreme thing and opines that one must raise voice against foreign interference then can only a nation exist and everything exists for its people.
Khanal has written in length about the issue of citizenship and foreign encroachment, which are supremely matters when it comes to a nation's existence. A project like Millennium Challenge Corporation ( MCC) is not beneficiary and therefore it should be opposed, Khanal has written. Conclusively, nationality is a great weapon to protect one's nation.
The writer has also raised questions regarding politics as a profession- whether it is a service-oriented or an income-generating profession. He has also supported the idea of giving higher importance to inner-party democracy. The intra-party activities and the relationship between the ruling party and the government and their role must be given higher priority. Every individual has the right to know the ruling party's relation with the government.
Under the political economy section, the Nepalese economic policy and its contradictions have been analysed. It has also tried to explore how comprador capitalism has gradually invaded our economy and social life. Education, health, water resources, employment, foreign investment, agriculture, trade etc have also been badly affected. This forces us to become mindful of it.
Khanal's concerns and worries are mainly centred around politics and activities aimed at freeing society from all disparities and distortions. By beating drums against it, comprador capitalism won't vanish. Instead, removal and elimination of this kind of capitalism and behaviour can be achieved through effective implementation of progressive and people supported programmes.
Also, the local government plays a very vital role in a nation's all-around development. Economic discipline, effectiveness in ruling and execution of financial management and positive active role of the People's representatives can make the work of local government effective
The articles explain the problems being faced in public administration, psychology, management efficiency, capacity and working style etc and has also tossed up his tips for making public administration effective.
The author has searched for a meeting point between trade union activists and public administration and has tried to find remedies. This is his concern. He has also stimulated trade union activists.
Citizenship is one of the burning problems, so strictness on its distribution must be observed and followed while our open border with India should be monitored strongly and effectively. A progressive and issue-oriented nationality is better than the conservative one.
Politics must be made service-oriented. It should not be misused for generating income and creating nexus with criminal elements. The politics based on democratic norms and values is a better and time-tested option. The intra-party democracy is a must for practising politics. The relationship between the ruling party and the government should be that of a nail and flesh. These are some of the tips that can help make our politics clean.
Comprador Capitalism is also an obstacle to promoting and enhancing the economy. It is also a huddle for economic progress. Corruption is also very bad for progress. Reforms must be undertaken to flush out such elements from our economy.
For the smooth run of local government, people representatives must work honestly and sincerely. Instead of involving in contracts and corruption, they must offer their services for the downtrodden people. Regarding public administration, the old and traditional methods and techniques must be replaced by modern advanced technologies. Trade unions must transform their activities for the betterment of workers and low age earners. In these ways, our system will function smoothly.