Sunday, 19 January, 2025

Spiritual Realm Of Shamanism


Persijs Muiznieks

When the word Shaman is heard in the Western world, it is associated with an incomprehensible mystical force in the human imagination that causes embarrassment and even fear. Modern science has spelt out this word, and its historical origins are viewed and explained in a distorted and rather disgusting way.
The basic values that have once served as the synthesis of nature and living creatures appear in a completely different form today, far from the original-values that the primitive man considered natural. Yet, after centuries, what a person today calls mystic, as an indelible genetic heritage follows him from the cradle to the grave. It reminds the legends of ancient ancestors, about some existing, unexplained, supernatural power, in front of which man has always been powerless. No matter how a person symbolises this supernaturality, it exists; the same as the universe, which has never had a beginning and an end.

Modern Man
The modern homo sapiens whose brain vibration level ranges from 15-30Hz, have lost its link with the universe that pulses at another, much higher frequency. The vibrations of the universe that a primitive man was able to perceive and understand for thousands of years are not understandable to the entire living entity of the globe, that pulses at about 8Hz.
A man striving for imaginary wealth, imprisoned himself in an electronic cage, thus breaking the link with the universe from which he once came. All living beings on the planet are poisoned by electronic radiation, that we are increasingly experiencing anomalies in nature, unbalanced behaviour in humans and the animal world, especially in this century.
Modern man today is witnessing a self-created action, the consequences of which have a gloomy outcome. In future, these anomalies generate the next generation that is already a by-product or hybrid. As one of these devastating indicators is our daily diet, we use every day. Which has been heating treated several times and kept frozen for a long time. Tasteless, and worst, without any energetic values.
If we talk about advanced thinking and purity of the organism then the body does not assimilate such a hybrid product, thus creating an accumulation of unwanted substances, which in turn induces the body with negative energy. The accumulation of negative energy in the human body is like a spike of disease that has devastating consequences.
The body is weakened not only physically but also mentally. It is a self-made by-product of the modern world that leads humanity on a regressive path. However, nature always takes care of those who feel its breath.
Whatever the winds are blowing, peculiar beings stands like a rock, and are unbreakable in the face of any change.

The Shaman
What essentially is the Shaman? To put it simply, a person who has not lost touch with the universe, or whose body pulsates at a similar frequency. The shaman inherits his knowledge from his parents, who may have practised this activity for generations. Such genetic and practical inheritances were maintained and orally passed on to the offspring. However, they were practised in a narrow circle and kept in strict secrecy.
From a historical point of view, when there was no massive compaction of people (cities, villages), the primitive man lived in communities. As with any social form, it is based on a hierarchical structure consisting of multi-layeredness, where a person found affiliation (rank) depending on the genealogy, work skills or religion.
However, even at the apex of the pyramid, the main and decisive role was played by a man with wisdom, special magical powers. Whether it was the village's elder, or the magician (shaman), the latter and the decisive word belonged to him, who regulated the course of social life. The shaman bears a great responsibility, especially in performing various rituals (healing, spiritual invocation, making prophecies) Work does not always lead to success, in such cases, he is severely punished, even with the death penalty.
Being aware of the closeness to the primitive nature, the humble and timid belief in shamanism as a supernatural power, the man fanatically followed it, from the cradle to the edge of the tomb. What today's man cannot explain, a primitive man sought and found the answer in nature, finding a common language with it.
Shaman understood the meaning and values of natural language. These are bioenergetic once, that can be perceived by a person with mental health and transformed into a certain object, thus creating mutual energy resonance. Speaking of technical language, the shaman is like an induction coil that tunes (senses) the desired frequency of the universe and transmits it as a radio signal.
Stronger Link
To create a stronger link with energetic fields, with greater effect, different musical instruments and dancing, strange voice sounds, gesturing, or meditation in total silence are taken into consideration. Most of the shamans tend to use drums (tambourine) as a magical tool. They are tuned to create low tones.
Various forms of drums with different vibrations serve for different purposes. Starting a rhythmic drum, the shaman enters the trance state, thus being able to sense the radiated energy of the surrounding field. In this state, taking full control of the object or patient, visualizing a clear picture of the underlying cause or negative energy.
As an integral part of the process is the fire, around which the whole ritual takes place. Its effects are amplified by various incenses and fumes as a purifier, suppresses the surrounding field from negative energy. The entire ritual field is formed by an invisible triangular or round-shaped enclosure. Within its internal boundaries, a special energy field is maintained, which can be dangerous for a passer-by to cross and be close to.
Any ritual of a spiritual nature begins with an altar. It is practised by almost all religions in the world. It can be a cave or megaliths of various shapes or places known only to the shaman where the energy fields intersect. It is a place with a special radiance that the shaman feels, and this is where the self-preparation for the ritual begins. Every amulet, attribute (wand, mirror, spoon, bells, arrowheads) that adorns the altar site is of great and certain importance because it is inhabited by spirits. During the pre-ritual, the shaman talks to them, bringing himself into a trance.
When a patient still seeks medical help but it does not work anymore and is refused, despair takes over him. Patient instinctively seeking help, is ready to take any steps and accept the help of unconventional natural methods, or as popularly called,- Shaman's help. However, the patient's desperate cry for help indicates that modern medicine is powerless.
The Himalayan valleys, the home where the castes and ethnic groups are often isolated from the modern city, to receive the necessary medical assistance sometimes takes days. The only mode of transport is a stretcher, on which the patient is laid in and attracted, not to dropping out and escorted by four people to the nearest hospital.
The weather is not always favourable. On the way to the nearest village have overcome a narrow mountain passes and get to the nearest suspension bridge takes a half-day tour if not more. Not every patient can pay, live taxi – the Sherpa, to launch a long and dangerous journey. It may prove fatal. Then, the only hopeful possibility is to turn to the local Shaman. Although this visit is a commercial, however, when there is nothing to lose – hope dies last.

At Work
The place where the mystical therapy took place was no different. There was neither sacred trees, nor cult-stones, or sacred spring. A simple home courtyard, with something like a ground cavity or cave in the corner, which was located in the western direction. Here, then starts the whole procession. At the entrance to the cave was placed a donation bowl and puja, decorated with colourful flower bunches and coloured pebbles. Everyone was able to donate some contribution to the local Shaman in exchange for a little grace.
The whole procession (incantation) began inside the cave, where only the local Shaman was allowed. From the cave came out strange sounds, that for human was hard to imagine. Something like mumbling in low tones, that were increasingly intensified and turned into a squeaking sound. For a moment of silence occurred, and after a short time again, was heard unintelligible words and sounds. Thus, it took almost an hour, after the cave was invaded by scary silence. The only sound was the wind gusts, that occasionally rustle courtyard.
After a moment, in front of the exit appeared the shaman himself. His face was turned into a grimace, eyes half-closed, and he stared at nowhere. It seems, that he is still deeply engrossed in a trance. He slowly approached closer to the selected location, from which to start, the whole magical cure. It was with cords, made from animal intestines, delimited triangle. Locals warned strangers, about the dangers of being in the black magic triangle are. In the opposite corners of the triangle were placed two sacrificial utensils.
The shaman placed himself at the top of the triangle. To the right of him, there was a woman who had come well in advance. Her face was pale and very unhealthy. She suffered from some sort of mental ailments the town doctor was not able to treat.
The shaman did not pay any attention to other's presence. His attention was drawn to the sick woman. Little was said. Either he was well aware of the woman's ailment or, as a magician, saw all through her's body. Something muttering to himself, the magician gave the woman string's end and the other end kept to himself. It was a natural, probably kind of energetical link between them.

Magical Ritual
With a quiet manner of a drum, the magic ritual began. Drums' low sound increased with every moment, the shaman tried to talk down those with a screaming squeal. When suddenly, his body began to convulse. It stretched up, in a moment shuddered, and collapsed .. and so, again and again … at the end, his stature collapsed, till the yard was taken over by silence. Slim woman holding the string, not for a moment prevented the view from the Shaman.
After a small silence, the drums rumble and screaming, all the magical procession resumed with double vigour. The magic triangle, wrapped in corrosive smoke, even more, emphasised the cult.
Shamans movements recalled like mind-lost crazy people. When it seemed that everything has gone in mind-blowing performances, suddenly out of nowhere with a chicken under his arm, appeared two assistants and took their seats at the sacrificial bowl.
Another moment – the shaman created something like screeched devil voice, and then: both assistants in one rhythm chop off chicken heads. They waited a moment to drain blood, and after by the shaman's hint, respectfully, something muttering with himself, offered sacrifice dishes the shaman. All attention was paid to the sacrificial dishes with fresh blood. While still warm, the shaman's hands were dipped into a bowl. He draws hand into blood and began to splatter it on the sick woman who was still in a deep trance.
The woman even didn't wink an eye. The Shaman's incantation began to flatten, and a moment later was silenced. This was the moment when he began to straighten his body. Grimace clenched face had disappeared. In front of us were standing another man, with a spiritual face, a little tired after the work is done. To each other, they did not pay the slightest attention. Female suddenly eased from a deep trance, as if nothing had happened. She stood up and, in the slow course, still in trembling went away, and after a moment vanished from sight.

(A Finland-based photojournalist, Muiznieks is currently involved in cultural projects)