Saturday, 27 July, 2024

NC names its candidates for NA election from six provinces


By TRN Online, Kathmandu, Jan 3: The second meeting of the central working committee of the ruling Nepali Congress has finalized the names of candidates from the party for the upcoming election of the National Assembly members.

The NC decided to field a candidate each from six provinces out of seven.

The NA election is scheduled to be held on January 26.

According to Krishna Prasad Paudel, principal secretary of the NC central office, informed through a press note that the central committee meeting decided to field Gopal Kumar Basnet from Province 1, Krishna Prasad Paudel from Bagmati province, Kamala Panta from Gandaki province, Durga Kumari Gurung from Karnali province, Yuvaraj Sharma from Lumbini province and Narayan Mishra from Sudurpaschim province in the election for the NA members.