Saturday, 27 July, 2024

Exemplary initiative of health unit: loan to patients for treatment


By Nabin Sishir BK, Baglung, Apr. 5: Patients visiting the Dhamja Community Health Unit in Baglung district receive loan with zero interest in case they are referred to other hospitals for further treatment.

Located at Kathekhola Rural Municipality-3, Dhamja, the health unit lends Rs. 20,000 without interest to those patients who are referred to other hospitals or health institutions from the unit for treatment.

The initiative of the health unit has been exemplary.

A fund of Rs. 1.2 million has been established in the health unit to lend money to patients so that they are not deprived of treatment due to financial problems.

Lok Bahadur Bhandari, chief of the health unit, said, "Many patients are compelled to stay at home without treatment due to their poor economic condition. Thus, in order to facilitate proper treatment for all, we came up with this idea."

The health unit established the fund by collecting donations from the locals. Apart from the loan, the health unit also grants Rs. 1,000 as travel expense for the patients.

The patients should return the loan amount to the unit within one month after the treatment is over.

Dhamja holds one health post and a community health unit. A well-facilitated building has been constructed for the operation of the health unit at Sayakatera from the budget of Rs. 10.5 million released by Gandaki Province. Likewise, an assembly hall and employees' quarter is being constructed in the building with the budget of additional Rs. 8.5 million.

Outpatients Department, administration department, storage room, safe maternity room, medicine distribution room, kitchen, meeting and training room, delivery room, well-facilitated washrooms, water tank and solar has been formed in the new building of the health unit.

Similarly, sensor water taps, soap dispenser, hand drier have also been installed, informed chief Bhandari. He said that all instruments were installed by mobilising internal budget of the unit.

Moreover, the health unit has introduced free pregnancy test services. As per the health unit's protocol, expecting mothers visiting the unit are provided with one packet of iodine salt and one crate of eggs as a gift in cooperation with the Kathekhola Rural Municipality.

The unit also provides Rs. 5,000 per person to people above 50 years of age suffering from heart, kidney, cancer or spinal cord related diseases, said Bhandari.