Saturday, 27 July, 2024

Govt activities earn public trust: PM Deuba


Kathmandu, Jan. 21: Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba has claimed that the activities the government carried out earned public trust in short time. He viewed robust foundation was created for the political stability, development and good governance.

In his address to the nation made on Friday upon the passage of six months since he assumed the Prime Minister post, PM Deuba stressed that the government was in right track and earning public trust with its activities. "However, we can't remain satisfied with this. We are shouldered with the duty of making additional progress on development and prosperity keeping abreast with time," he added.

He expressed gratitude to all political parties, civil society, media, commoners, donor countries, friendly countries and development partners for the national and international support, assistance and cooperation to the government during this period.

The coalition government has been conducting its activities based on the common minimum programmes. The government formed with the coalition of five political parties on July 13 completed its six months.

Appeal to control coronavirus

He reminded that the socioeconomic sector was badly affected by the spread of coronavirus in the country which has witnessed first, second and third waves of COVID-19. "Recent third wave of coronavirus has posed further challenge to people's life. It needs to be contained to minimize impacts on socioeconomic sectors," he viewed, urging one and all to abide by the public health and safety protocol and maintain patience. He paid tribute to those who lost lives to the contagion and extended condolences the family members of the dead ones.

The PM showed deep respect to those who have been working on the frontline of crisis as doctors, nurse, paramedics, ambulance drivers and sanitation workers. The PM sought cooperation from all sides for the control, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of coronavirus.

Three-tier election important duty

The government, as the PM said, had kept in priority the implementation of constitution, guarantee of rule of law and good governance, conclusion of remaining tasks of peace process, implementation of agreements made with various sides, solution to the problems relating to citizenship, and strengthening of province and local governments.

According to him, impasse in the parliament would be cleared after forging consensus with dialogue among the political parties. The government is burdened with the responsibility of holding elections to all three layers within a year. He requested all concerned to make preparation for the elections.

"After I formed this government, efforts are made for equitable and just economic development, promotion of productive economy with increase in national products and exports, control of price hike, and investigation on corruption," the PM mentioned in his address to the nation.

Moreover, special package was introduced to revive the industries hit hard with COVID-19, distribution of relief to the workers and unemployed ones, disaster survivors, programmes to extend assistance to the farmers who suffered loss in paddy crops in the past six months.

Only vaccination effective to control COVID-19

The government has intensified the control, prevention and treatment of COVID-19 in the wake of the third wave of coronavirus, omicron. PM reiterated that government was for vaccinating all eligible people by coming mid April. Management of necessary human resources has been made smooth, he claimed.

Other health service including child maternal health, nutrition, and vaccinations will also go together following the safety protocols.

Arrangement has been made to ensure chemical fertilizers and seeds to the farmers, textbooks to the students and medicines to the needy one on time. Supply of the daily essentials has also been well managed.

The coordination and cooperation between the local and provincial levels were made effective to prevent the death to cold wave in Tarai/Madhes and to snowfall in upper hilly and mountain regions.

The private sectors, which have vital role on country development, have been encouraged for investment with the creation of favourable atmosphere, according to PM Deuba. He also asserted that the government had adopted zero tolerance to corruption.

Process to upgrade the country from the least developed status to the developing country was underway, PM Deuba said, adding that second round of economic and governance reform would be launched, keeping in centre the implementation of constitution and economic progress.