Saturday, 27 July, 2024

Grade 12 exams in physical presence (Photo Feature)

Grade 12 exams in physical presence, Photo - Sujan Gurung/TRN

By TRN Online, Kathmandu, Sept. 15: After a long wait, the class 12 examinations have started in the physical presence of the students. Chandramani Poudel, Chairman of the National Examination Board said that this year, every student attending their exams from their own school.

According to Poudel, students who have been confirmed to have coronavirus infection will be allowed to take the exam later.

"Arrangements will be made for the students who have been informed that they have not been able to join the examination with proof of being infected to take the examination later. If someone falls ill during the exam, they can take the exam after the covid is confirmed," he said.

Earlier, the examination scheduled for last May was rescheduled to start on July 15. However, the exam, again postponed due to corona risk, has started from today.