Saturday, 27 July, 2024

Unique Traditions

Dixya Poudel

Nepal is a unique country with its characteristic culture, traditions and customs. Each month in Nepal is highlighted by auspicious festivals and events with their traditional rituals. Nepali calendar includes multicultural festivals and religious occasions that are a part of the nation's culture.

The majority of Nepalese are Hindus who worship Gods and Goddesses in deep reverence. They visit temples not just on festivals but on ordinary days as well.

They continue worshipping Gods and Goddesses in the sanctity of their home and perform religious pujas to placate the sacred deities. Hindu followers perform religious rituals each year for their ancestors in hopes that they will gain eternal peace. Hindu deities are carved into statutes and sculpture in temples and people adorn the Gods and Goddess with red tikas and flowers.

There are also festivals in Nepal in which Hindus pay respects to their parents. Thus elders are respected and younger ones are loved in Nepali traditions.

Apart from Hindus, Nepal also has Buddhists, Christians and Muslim community who all live in harmony. Several Stupas reside in Kathmandu valley and other cities in Nepal.

One of the major tourist attractions in Nepal is Lumbini where Lord Buddha was born. Buddhism believes in respecting all living beings on earth. And Buddhists are known for their adherence to peace.

In a way Nepal is synonymous with peace nowadays.

Nepalis are a close knit community that presents a united front. We gather together in festivals to commemorate each tradition. We believe in supporting our friends, families and relatives in need.

When there are auspicious events in our social circle we congratulate and extend our well wishes through gifts and ensure that these events run smoothly.

Socially, Nepali society ensures that girls receive education and equal opportunities as boys do.

Most of the private and public schools are coed and both boys and girls receive equal treatment and attention. And both men and women vote for their representatives thanks to the democracy in Nepal.

Nepal was a kingdom ruled by the Shah Kings until the dethronement of Shah Royals and establishment of Nepal as a Republic. Now as a Republic, Nepal is trying to ascend to economic heights.

Nepal is also well known for its hospitability.

There is a saying in Sanskrit which proclaims that guests should be respected and Nepalese follow this dictum earnestly.

The nation is a famous tourist attraction.

Mount Everest lies in Nepal and yearly thousands of eager tourist visit Nepal to hike and trek in the Everest region and even scale the highest mountain in the planet.

Nepalis are cheerful and friendly people who believe in peace and harmony. It is evident that they sustain Nepali traditions during festivals and events throughout the year.

Festivals such as Teej, Dashain, Tihar and Fagu Purnima are celebrated with much enthusiasm. And people ranging in all ages are seen participating in these festivities.

Nepali culture is rich, vibrant and sacred festivals.

It is necessary that we continue these traditions so that our future generations can take part in the unique values, beliefs and faith that each festival represents.

Nepal as a country and we as a Nepalese are defined by our social and cultural norms which are ultimately a part of our heritage.