Saturday, 27 July, 2024

Tiny House Trend

Adhyashree K.C.

Living in mansions or in four or five storey’s house speaks volumes of power, status, luxury, and even comfort. To owe one is also a promising dream of many; however, people’s mindset has changed for the better. The tiny house has redefined the concept of living in tiny spaces. I speak of it because the pace of urban development in the country against its capacity to sustain it left me concerned about the risks of disaster, loss of space, and poor sanitation.
Amidst growing world population and cramped living spaces, large numbers of people are choosing to downsize their houses and live a clutter free, minimalist life. And, how small is a tiny house? A typical tiny house is of 100-400 square feet, although there is no definite size as it solely depends on the owner’s choice of design. The house could be on wheels or set in a foundation.
Also, one of the most beautiful aspects of a tiny house concept is that it reflects the character of the owner, meaning that it’s close to living in a fantasy of their own. However tiny the house may be, it still supports all that is accommodated in a bigger house. But what would be the pros and cons of inviting the tiny house concept in Nepal?
In its ever-expanding urban boundaries, a new building or house pops in view monthly or yearly in the major city areas. The share of urban population in 2017 alone was 19.34 per cent which demand utilisation and efficiency in terms of land use. With fewer materials required to build a tiny house, it is definitely an eco-friendly living. The building materials for a tiny house is half of what is required to make a big one, which means lower transport cost, fewer trees to cut down for lumber, especially reduced energy use. The small quantity of resources means use of recycled materials is also possible. All in all, tiny house could be the pathway to becoming debt-free, eco-friendly, and fostering an independent living.
Urban sprawl in Nepal demands immediate attention as it concerns liveability in urban areas and mental health regarding it. We cannot deny the fact that we work to have food on our plates, and roof over our head, however, tiny house removes the worry of affording big houses that eat up space larger than necessary.
Living smaller and simpler may be the key to break the idea of big houses that most Nepalis link with aforementioned power and status. However, despite simplification and sound fiscal plans, a tiny house cannot be the sole solution to urban sprawl. In fact, tiny house has its own downside like inadequate space to support an extended family which is not uncommon in Nepal. Also, a tiny space is not practical to perform rituals and ceremonies.
In spite of it, the tiny living space less costly and eco-friendly while giving all in the comfort of a cosy home.