Saturday, 27 July, 2024

Scientists Predict Climate Disaster By 2050

Parkhomenko Marina

University of Melbourne scientists David Spratt and Ian Dunlop have prepared a report on global warming. Experts believe that in thirty years the climate on Earth can change so that it will cause the death of mankind. Scientists said that by 2050 the harmful emissions of world industrial production into the atmosphere will reach the highest level, which will lead to an increase in temperature on the Earth by three degrees.

The consequences will be irreversible.

Due to warming, the Earth’s climate will change, ice and permafrost will disappear. In addition, climate metamorphoses will lead to the destruction of the most important ecosystems, for example, coral reefs and tropical forests, as well as Antarctica. Scientists have calculated that after climate change in Central America and Mexico, rainfall will be halved, North America will suffer from severe drought, floods and forest fires. Climate change for the worse in Africa, the Middle East and Southeast Asia will cause massive migration of about a billion people.

he scientists report that planetary and human structures will come to the point of no return by the middle of the 21st century. Most of our planet will become unsuitable for life, so there will be a collapse of nations and the destruction of the usual structure of the world.

Scientists believe that in order to save our planet, its universal mobilisation is necessary, approximately the same as during the Second World War. But today, humanity must make every effort to prevent a catastrophe. To do this, it is necessary to focus on creating a non-waste industrial production, from which the restoration of the Earth's ecology will begin.

It is worth noting that in the introduction to the report, Admiral Chris Barry, former commander of the Australian defence forces, praised this document and stated that it reveals the frank truth about the hopeless situation of humanity and the globe. The report paints a catastrophic picture of the reality of the future, emphasises that the life of mankind on our planet may be in the balance due to terrible events.

If you trace the history of the problem, it is worth recalling that in 2017, scientists predicted ice melting in the 2100s. However, in March 2019, the publication of Geophysical Research Letters published the result of the study, which expresses the version that the Arctic ice may melt in the next twenty years. But some researchers are convinced that the situation is even more complicated, and the ice may melt by the year 2030.

It must be said that now the average temperature of the Earth is 15 degrees, it is only 4 degrees higher than during the ice age. The achievement of an average of more than 17 degrees will indicate global warming. It is worth remembering that in the 20th century the average temperature increased by 0.86 degrees, in the 21st century its growth can be from 1 to 6.5 degrees.