Saturday, 27 July, 2024

Pet Therapy For Sick Kids

Polina Lisunova, sept3 Animal therapy or pet therapy is a type of treatment through contact with representatives of the animal world. In Russia, medical centers began to acquire increasing popularity, in which our smaller brothers work for the benefit of sick children. As practice shows, they are effective, and therefore necessary. In animal centres, children with diagnoses that are not just treatable, such as autism, cerebral palsy, and Down's syndrome, undergo rehabilitation. Most of these centres operate in the summer, so parents have to stand in line for a long time so that their children can undergo treatment.
So, for example, children with severe diseases of the organs of movement, help specially trained horses that help the physical development of children. Children with limited mobility are not only happy to physically develop, but also receive the mental and moral support they need. All this happens under the supervision of professional trainers and parents. In classes at the animal centres, children with disabilities, in addition to being able to communicate with animals, have the opportunity to make new friends, as well as adapt in society under the guidance of caring adults who can teach children a lot.
One of the subspecies of animal therapy is canister therapy. Dog treatment method. For example, in America, a child visiting his dentist is not surprised to see a dog in his office. While the doctor is engaged in treatment, an obedient and affectionate dog lies nearby, allowing himself to be stroked and turning the patient's attention to himself. Children, communicating with a shaggy pet, pay less attention to the doctor’s actions, which helps to make visiting a dental office not so exciting.
Canister therapy is also used in our country, though not in dental offices. In Russia, dogs treat more complex diseases. 
They help children who are behind their peers in mental development and do not adapt well in the outside world. But not only dogs and horses treat children. Currently, the so-called zoo centres are being built in Russia, where the “doctors” and the “nurses” will be turtles, birds or rabbits. One of these centres will open soon in the city of Omsk.
For special "employees" of course, certain requirements are imposed. What are the selection criteria? The most important indicator is the ability of a certain animal to communicate with children. For this, tests are carried out, and then the animals are trained and trained for a long time. It is clear that the training of the four-legged “employee” takes a lot of time, requires strength and energy, as well as unlimited patience. The animal should not only be affectionate and responsive, but also “professional qualities” are important to it. Only if all these conditions are met will he be allowed to communicate with the children.
Guys should also be prepared for such communication. First of all, they should not be allergic to wool or feathers. Otherwise, classes in such centres are contraindicated for a small patient. And another contraindication for classes: if the child is able to deeply attach to the pet, to love him, then in case of parting with him there will be a blow for the little man, who will cast doubt on the entire result of the treatment