Sunday, 5 May, 2024

On Man’s Best Friend

Toshita K. Khatri

Bad day at work? Girlfriend ditched you? Your squad roasted you? Well, the moment you step home, there comes running a cute little four legged mate, stumbling his way through as if he had not seen you for a decade eve when you had been gone for only a while, showering you with his love and whining in joy. Still not certain that dogs are man's best friend? Then please read on.
We’ve all heard of a popular saying that dogs are man’s best friend. Ever wondered, who said it and why? Because I have two adorable dogs in my family, I am very interested in this issue.
There are thousands of animal species in nature. So how come only dogs get the privilege of being a man’s best friend? Not just because they are domestic animal. Cats are domestic animals too, and nobody called them a man’s best friend.
Man and dog have made excellent friends for millions of years, probably because there is a very high level of loyalty and understanding between the two.
Why? A 2014 study revealed that, like us, the dog has a region in its brain sensitive to the voice, and that he knows how to interpret the emotions of the transmitter, whether on all fours or on two feet. Exactly as the man does.
Warm-blooded animals have certain emotional intelligence and rich emotions, while cold-blooded ones do not. Therefore, humans have not domesticated a snake or an alligator from beginning to end.
In early times, dogs were mainly used for security purposes. They guard your house and keep burglars away and they don’t even demand a fancy pay. They also scare the neighbours away if trained. Just in case if they complain too much!
Most of the time we tell our friends we would die for them or have their back no matter what the situation, just to prove our loyalty to them. However, when reality sets in we tend to do the opposite.
But your dog would do whatever it takes to protect you if you are in danger even if it means putting itself in danger. Loyalty is the key.
They also literally have your back, every single time. Ever wondered why when someone knocks at your door, and you are going to check it, your dog walks behind you? That is them having your back, figuratively and literally.
Having your dog excitingly jumping and barking when they see you, it is a sight for sore eyes any day. Do you think that things your dog does that you think cute happen accidentally? No, they actually do it on purpose.
Dogs do not demand anything but love! They are cute little attention seekers who have unconditional love for you. Why are dogs a man’s best friend again? Because they are awesome just like that.