Wednesday, 22 May, 2024

Musical Creativity

Dixya Poudel

Music is an emblem of human creativity and ingenuity. The online dictionary defines music as, "vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony and expression of emotion." Almost all of us enjoy music as it enlivens our lives.
With social media and the internet as a global platform, musicians today can reach out to a wide set of audiences. It is indeed an opportune time to be a musician. YouTube is a huge domain to release music and musicians get paid as their songs garner immense views. Established singers and bands tease their music long before their release building up the expectations. There are many singers who have built a musical empire through their sheer musical talents.
Music has had a significant part in my life. As a teenager, I used to play cassette players on bulky radios. And along with my siblings and cousins, I would hum to the songs that were popular at the time. I would lean towards the speakers as I tried to understand the lyrics to these catchy songs. I would write down the lyrics on my frayed notebook and try to memorise them. In my school days, my musically inclined friends used to sing songs and play musical instruments. I always secretly envied them for their talent. I do resent the fact that I didn’t learn a musical instrument. However, it has never deterred me from enjoying and appreciating music.
I avidly listen to varied genres of music. Music adds meaning to my life and rejuvenates me in each listen. As I listen to songs, I intently take in the catchy tunes and all those light, deep and somber lyrics. However, music isn't just about lyrics accompanied by musical instruments. It is also about expression of feelings, emotions and thoughts.
Music has been a part of human civilisation throughout history. One of the oldest forms of music is classical music which is known to be a profound artistic creation. The prominent classical musicians such as Beethoven, Mozart and Bach, among others, composed and helped shape the western classical music. And today classical music is highly revered worldwide, incorporated on the curriculum of schools and colleges. It is a known fact that playing or listening to classical music increases one's creativity along with heightened cognitive and emotional abilities.
Most often musicians sing about falling in love and all the heartaches that come from a wounded heart. They pour their heart out and confide a story through their songs. Thus the lyrics of songs can be a poetic narration of the singer's personal life that in turn resonates with the eager listeners. Singers frequently collaborate with each other and share their songs to many eager listeners. The FM radios play songs promoting singers all the while entertaining the listeners. And the internet allows listeners all over the world to download and enjoy music through their electronic devices.
The mellifluous melody, the lyrics and the amalgamation of a range of musical instruments all attribute to a remarkable auditory experience. Music enables us to find harmony and connection with one another through its creative nuances and intricacies. We then listen to music to find in it a fragment of ourselves and our feelings.