Wednesday, 22 May, 2024

Learning From Gurus

Binaya Ghimire

There is an interesting story in Hindu Epic Mahabharata, where a Guru charged money to impart his knowledge. He rejected someone to take as disciple just because he could not pay for knowledge. That’s how Guru Dornacharya became a teacher.
The word Guru comes from the Sanskrit language. In the early times, in Hindu civilisation, Guru was referred to a person who provided knowledge and wisdom to the people. In the modern time Guru is often translated as teacher. However, there is a difference between a Guru and a teacher. Guru is someone who imparts knowledge and wisdom and seeks nothing in return from his pupils and disciples. However, teacher is someone who provides knowledge and wisdom and takes money or other rewards from his students.
In the modern time, Guru is also referred to a religious leader. In Hinduism and Buddhism, Guru is a religious leader and spiritual teacher. In Sikhism, Guru is a political and religious leader. Sikhism has a tradition of 10 Gurus. Hindu religion has emphasised on the importance of gurus in finding god. In Buddhism, Gurus have high importance for experiencing awareness and awakening.
You need a Guru in your life. Your Guru is your master, a teacher, a mentor, a wise and trusted guide and advisor. You need a Guru to teach you the benefits of learning: If the learner knows what he will benefit from learning this thing, he will be eager to learn. Only Guru can tell you what you need to learn.
You need to find a mentor, a guide, a teacher. If you have a mentor and guide, learning becomes easier. A mentor will offer you valuable perspective and experience that will improve your skills and knowledge.
You need a Guru in life; however, how do find your find a Guru.  There is an interesting story in Hinduism. Datterya is a name of Hindu sage. He had 24 Gurus. His Gurus were not only human beings of different ages, experiences, and backgrounds but also animals.
Guru is a source of learning. As long as you can learn from the person, he/she can become your Guru. You can learn from your elders. Your elders can be your Guru. The elders have lived more years, therefore, they know things better. You can learn so many things from your elders.
You can learn from young ones. People younger than you can also teach you so many things because every person is special and he/she is intelligent in his/her own ways.
How do you actually learn from gurus? The rule of thumb is to study the masters. Learning concepts and theories are important, however, learning who propounded the theories and concept is also very important. If you find out how these concepts were developed, you will learn better.
Study the masters, practice what they have told: You need to learn how the masters’ did it, however, just by knowing how they did will not help you, you need to practice as well.