Wednesday, 24 April, 2024

Facebook Advertising

Binaya Ghimire

Facebook is a free advertising platform. You do not have to spend money to market and promote your products, services, businesses or brands on Facebook. However, there is a limitation on free promotion and conversion (sales) is very negligible. Your ad reach is limited, you cannot reach wider audience with free promotion. Here lies the importance of using Facebook ads for generating sales, leads, even traffic to your website.
There are various ways to advertise on Facebook. The easiest ways to advertise on Facebook is through post Boost. You can use this feature to promote the post you share on your Facebook page. This feature is good if you want to generate leads or traffic. If you want sign-ups on your website, a post-boost feature is the best option. If you want traffic to your website or web contents, you can also use post boost option. You can also boost your post in order to get likes and followers on your page. Boosting your post will also allow you to generate a lot of social signals (likes on your posts, comments, re share). Social signals are good for search engine ranking.
You can create ads and run on Facebook. Facebook ads are good for generating sales or leads and building brands. If you want to build social media following for your products, services, or business, Facebook ads will come handy. In order to benefit from Facebook ads, you have to take a lot of care on the ad design. You have to use eye-catching graphics and engaging words. You also have to use fewer words and focus on more graphics. In fact, if your ad has more text, it will be disapproved by Facebook. If possible you must use multiple images on your ads. If you want, you can also try video ads.
In order to run ads on Facebook, you also need to have payment options accepted by Facebook. You can make payment through PayPal or Credit/Debit Card. Sadly, PayPal is not available in Nepal. You also cannot use Credit/Debit card issued by local banks as these cards are local only and are not accepted by Facebook. However, there are agencies in Nepal that specialise on Facebook payment.
The best thing about Facebook advertising is you can set your own budget. Whether you want to spend $1 or $100, it is your own decision. How much you need to spend depends on your goals. Spending more will always give you a wider reach. However, if you are new to Facebook ads, do not start with a big budget. Try something like $1 per day for 7 days. This kind of low-cost advertising will help you discover whether this will work for you or not. Furthermore, you can also collect the data and later use for another campaign.
Before you get started with Facebook ads, you need to have a clear goal. You should be clear about what you want to achieve through this marketing campaign. What do you want to achieve: likes, clicks on website, sales, engagements, response, video views, lead generation? You should define the audience and set the budget based on your goal. No one is perfect, if you are doing for the first time, you are likely to make mistakes. You can avoid the mistakes by asking for help. You can always talk to the marketing experts.