Saturday, 27 July, 2024

Conserve The Planet

Lalit Chand Thakuri

The vast nature is a home to the various sorts of resources essential to fulfill the unlimited needs and demands of humans. But, the natural resources are limited in proportion to the infinite human desires for exploiting the nature for their survival as well as pleasures. In order to achieving those unlimited desires, humans have placed exquisite nature in peril. So, the conservation of nature has become a prioritised issue in the 21st century. Knowing its importance, the Government of Nepal has declared 23rd September as ‘National Conservation Day’ which is being celebrated every year with different themes relevant to the conservation.
Generally, conservation means a careful preservation and protection of nature and natural resources such as forests, wildlife, lands, water resources, etc. to prevent their exploitation and destruction. Conservation includes well-defined goals based on sustainable use and development, ecological restoration, animal welfare, captive breeding, research and so on. Such conservation strategies enrich our planet and keep nature’s balance by protecting the species from extinction, maintaining and restoring habitats, enhancing ecosystem services and protecting biological diversity.
In the context of developing countries like Nepal, nature and its resources are under serious threats as a result of anthropogenic factors arising from economic development taking place at breakneck speed. The unplanned developmental activities such as urbanisation, industrialisation, roadway constructions have put enormous stress on flora and fauna. Due to these activities, the increasing number of habitat fragmentation has pushed the population size of flora and fauna on the verge of vulnerable.
In addition, the urbanised and industrialised city areas have been suffering from overpopulation, which has increased the demand for various resources like food, water, land, fossil fuels, minerals, etc. Apart from this, pollution, soil degradation, deforestation and loss of biodiversity are further effects of overpopulation on the environment.
Such uncontrolled causatives have hit the environment, economy and human health. Climate change which is an abnormal variation of average weather patterns is the most known consequence of our planet due to the increasing trend of global warming, emerged as a result of deforestation, mining, and burning of fossil fuels, waste disposal and many more. Climate change mainly changes the nature of global rainfall, evaporation, snow, stream flow, earth temperature, which is being a serious threat to nature and natural resources including wildlife habitats.
As we, humans, are both creator and destructor of nature, it’s our responsibility to conserve it for upcoming generations. If these resources are overused and exploited to the hilt, we will have a short quantity of sources for food and living. At the same time, this might lead to the destruction of our beautiful planet. For instance, recent fire in the Amazon rainforest has taught the lesson for the nature conservation. A huge number of wildlife and plant species were destroyed in the fire.
Therefore, this particular day must inspire to raising awareness about the growing conservation issues in Nepal. Furthermore, strong enforcement of laws with sensitised conservation programmes must be executed for the conservation of natural resources in the country.