Sunday, 8 September, 2024

Strengthen local levels to consolidate democracy: Attorney General Kharel

Bhadrapur, Sept 4 : Attorney General Agni Kharel has directed the local levels not to make laws that contradict the constitution and the jurisdiction of federal and State governments.     
At an interaction on 'law making at local levels' organized by the District Coordination Committee here on Tuesday, Attorney General Kharel viewed that the people's representatives at local levels were undergoing test and transition at present. So, constitution must not be ignored while drafting laws, he suggested.     
"It is not the Office of the Attorney General to look after the disputes at local levels, so the rural municipalities and the municipalities could appoint competent and honest lawyers," he said, adding that all lawyers do pleading but can not draft the laws.     
He further suggested the local levels to pick qualified lawyers for it.     
Moreover, the Attorney General said once the local levels are strengthened, democracy is boosted.     
On the occasion, Chief of District Coordination Committee, Somnath Portel, informed that only 10 out of 15 rural municipalities had made laws in the district. The interaction was organized to facilitate the people's representatives to draft the necessary laws.     
He further said although some local levels brought Acts, they failed to bring the regulation, which has hindered administrative and development activities.     
Similarly, Chief of Damak municipality, Rom Oli, admitted that they faced difficulty in formulating laws for lack of orientation and expertise.  (RSS)