Monday, 23 September, 2024

Educational institution should produce disciplined citizenry-Minister Pun   


Kaski, Jan 27 : Various personalities were felicitated on the occasion of 58th guardians' day of Chandi Secondary School at Pokharam metropolis-33.    
On the occasion, Gandaki State Minister for Social Development on Sunday felicitated ex-chairs of school management committee Santa Bahadur Thapa, Chet Bahadur Mahat, Lok Bahadur Mahat and Hem Bahadur Thapa (Parajuli) with letter of appreciation and shawl.    
The school also honoured Keshab Raj Lamichhane as the best parent and senior most member duo, Sher Bahadur Thapa and Mithumaya Khadka.    
Minister Pun said it was inevitable to produce qualified, moral and competent citizens in society and called for the academic institutions to work to that end.    
Pokhara metropolis-33 ward chair Shiva Prasad Acharya said the schools should move ahead bracing up the goal for enhancing educational standards.