Saturday, 27 July, 2024

Patients of viral fever throng health post

Damak, Sept. 1: Patients of viral fever and skin infections have surged in almost all health facilities of Jhapa district.  

These days, around 80 patients visit the Lakhanpur Health Post in Kamala Rural Municipality daily.  

According to chief of the Health Post Menaka Poudel, in the past only 35 to 40 patients used to visit the health post.

“The number of patients visiting the health post has doubled this season,” she said.

The patients are found suffering from fever, cough and pneumonia. Poudel said children were mostly affected by the viral fever.

Like the viral fever, skin infection has also become epidemic in the district.

Besides, hospitals in Damak are also receiving more patients of viral fever and fungus. A few them were diagnosed with dengue, according Health Department Chief of Damak Municipality.

Meanwhile in Salyan, the cases of viral fever haveincreased significantly. Around 20 patients visit the District Hospital, Salyan, on daily basis.

Chief of the District Hospital Dr Arjun Buda informed that more viral patients are found visiting the health posts of the villages.

With the increasing number of patients, the hospital has been facing a shortage of beds for the patients, said Dr Buda.

According to District Health Office, the viral fever has affected more than 400 people in the district.