Saturday, 27 July, 2024

Water level in major rivers below ‘danger’ mark

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By Purushottam P. Khatri

Kathmandu, June 30: Water level in the major rivers across Nepal and their tributaries would remain below the warning level for the next three days, hydrologists said on Monday.
Bikram Shrestha Zoowa, senior hydrologist at the Flood Forecasting Division under the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM), said the water level in major 10 rivers would remain below the warning level for the next three days.
DHM has set up hydrology stations in 76 places of the country to measure the real water level in 10 main rivers, which include the Tinau, Mahakali, Karnali, Babai, West Rapti, Narayani, Bagmati, Kamala, Koshi, and Kankai.
However, water level in some of the rivers, including the Mahakali at Parigaon station in Dadeldhura district, was found to be rising when measured at around 10:45 am Monday, he said. Also, the water level in the Karnali as measured at Lohare Khola hydrology station at Tallo Dhungeshwor in Dailekh district was also increasing.
Likewise, water level in the Madi river of Sisaghat in Tanahun district, Marsyangdi at Bhakundesi in Lamjung, and Bimalnagar in Tanahun was also rising from Monday morning. All these rivers fall under Narayani River basin.
Similarly, water level in the Rapti River at Kusum and West Rapti River of Banke district was also rising from Monday morning.
Water level in these rivers rose up to 3.24 metres against the danger level of 5 metres. However, in the evening, water level in all rivers receded.
According to the DHM, rainfall measured in the last 24 hours across the country was also below the warning level.
In the last 24 hours, Safebagar of Achham under the Karnali River basin received the highest rainfall at 113.8 mm. Barmajhiya of Saptari district under the Koshi river basin received 84.4 mm rainfall in the last 24 hours and the Bardaghat rainfall station of Nawalparasi under Narayani river basin recorded 78.2 mm rainfall.
Similarly, flood bulletin issued by the DHM this morning at 7:00 am said that water level in the Kankai, Kamala, Bagmati, and West Rapti and their tributaries may rise suddenly at any time today and on Tuesday.
Likewise, water level in the Koshi, Narayani, Karnali and Mahakali and their tributaries may increase slightly but was unlikely to cross the danger level, according to the bulletin.
However, tributaries flowing into the Kankai river may cross the danger level on Wednesday so the locals have been advised to stay alert and cautious for Wednesday.
Saraju Kumar Baidya, director general at the DHM, said that the DHM had managed a system to send free SMS from both Nepal Telecom and Ncell to keep the locals alert about possible floods, inundation and landslips.
Local people from across the country can receive information about the rains, floods and chances of landslides in their places and districts by dialing a toll-free number 1155.