Tuesday, 24 September, 2024

There is stock of medicines to last for over three months: APPON


Kathmandu, Mar. 6: Association of Pharmaceutical Producers of Nepal (APPON) has assured that it would not allow the shortage of medicines to take place as there is enough stock of medicines to last for three months.

APPON said this at a time when rumor has spread that there would be medicine shortage in Nepal after India stopped exporting 25 productions and raw materials to Nepal following the impact of coronavirus spreading across the world.

Organising a press conference here today, APPON shared information that there is stock of medicines, raw materials as well as other materials required for medicines for more than three months.

On the occasion, APPON Chairperson Narayan Bahadur Chhetri said that although the raw materials of medicine are being imported, the country did not face shortage of medicines even in natural disaster like the earthquake and the blockade.

He stated, "We have been purchasing most of raw materials from India and China as it is easy to import raw materials from these countries from the business perspective. We will not allow shortage of medicine to occur even if that means buying raw materials from any countries."

A total of 62 pharmaceutical companies producing allopathic medicine are now in operation in Nepal and other 42 new pharmaceutical industries are under construction.

Similarly, APPON General-Secretary Biplav Adhikari said that the current situation should make all aware to make the country self-dependent on medicine.

Saying there is no situation to urge foreign countries on around 75 per cent of medicine in this situation, he opined that it would be enough if the government should collaborate with private medicine industries.

Likewise, outing chair of APPON, Deepak Prasad Dahal clarified that they are always ready and capable to provide medicines to every Nepalese in easy and smooth manner.

Nepal is self-dependent on 45 per cent of medicine and it imports the remaining amount of medicines from different countries.