Saturday, 27 July, 2024

President Bhandari believes Dashain helps increase brotherhood 


 Kathmandu, Oct 8 : President Bidya Devi Bhandari has expressed belief that Bada Dashain, the national festival of the Nepali people, would inspire all Nepalis to work for socio-economic prosperity, social unity, mutual harmony and brotherhood along with justice and equality from their respective areas.


            In a message of best wishes on the occasion of Bijaya Dashami today, President Bhandari said that the festival would help to create respect and the feelings of deep love towards the nation.


            "Our different festivals celebrated with happiness in a traditional manner in the country have been making significant contribution to maintain cultural unity and promote identity as well as to further strengthen originality between geographical, cultural and linguistic diversity", reads the President's message.  


            Expressing the belief that the Bijaya Dashami would increase enthusiasm and power among all to fulfil national determination, 'Prosperous Nepal, Happy Nepalis', President Bhandari wished for continued progress to all.