Sunday, 22 September, 2024

NC shows concern over bill in regard with constitution of special service   


Kathmandu, Dec 16 : Main opposition Nepali Congress (NC) has said its attention has been drawn towards the 'bill to amend and integrate laws relating to the constitution and operation of Nepal special service'. It was registered by the government at the Federal Parliament recently.    
Issuing a press statement today, the NC Parliamentary Office stated the provisions in the bill were capable of squeezing citizen's right to freedom guaranteed by the constitution under fundamental rights.    
"The bill is capable of leaking every information related to the citizen, violating citizen's privacy and freedom. Any move to formulate the act in contravention to the constitution is unacceptable for the party," party chief whip Balkrishna Khand said.    
The party has demanded the immediate withdrawal of the document, warning the government not to come up with any bill going against the constitution and citizen's right to freedom in the future.