Saturday, 27 July, 2024

Monsoon activities accelerated, improvements expected from Thursday   


Kathmandu, Sept 17 : Rainfall with cloudy weather prevail throughout the country today as the western belt of monsoon trough is based in the surrounding of the average location. The eastern belt is slightly north from the average location.    

According to meteorologist Bibhuti Pokhrel, monsoon trough has been formed in Odisha and around the West Bengal of India and wind originated from the Bay of Bengal contains more moisture, accelerating monsoon activities.    

North Rajasthan, Haryana, Delhi, south Uttar Pradesh, south Bihar, Jharkhand and West Bengal are taken as the average locations for monsoon trough.  

The weather will be generally to mostly cloudy throughout the country today and light to moderate rain with thunder and lightning is likely to occur at many places of the central and western regions and at some places of the eastern region. Heavy rainfall has been predicted at a few places of the country.    

Rain will continue tomorrow as well. The weather is expected to see improvements from Thursday. Currently, some places in eastern Tarai, and in central and western regions are experiencing light to moderate thundershowers with generally cloudy condition while the remaining parts have reported partial to generally cloudy, the Meteorological Forecasting Division said. 

Weather forecast for next 24 hours    
Issuing the weather forecast for the next 24 hours, the Division stated that precipitation along with thunder and lightning will occur in most places of the central and western, and at some places of the eastern region of the country. It also has urged for adopting caution as there is likelihood of occurrence of landslides, rise in the water level in rivers and obstruction to air and road transport given the chances of heavy rain at one or two places of the central and western parts.    

The weather will be generally to completely cloudy at night throughout the country with the possibility of light to moderate rain accompanied by thunder and lightning in most places of the central and western region and in some places of the eastern region.    

Tomorrow, the weather will be generally cloudy throughout the country with chances heavy rain in one or two places of the central and western region.   

On Thursday, generally to partly cloudy conditions will prevail across the country with the likelihood of light to moderate rain along with thunder and lightning in some places, the Division said.  

As per the latest weather information given by the Division, Kathmandu Valley received 10.0 millimetres rain today.

Similarly, Pokhara received 76.0 millimetres, Dang received 15.0 millimetres, Simara received 5.0 millimetres, Nepalgunj got 37.0 millimetres and Biratnagar received 15.0 millimetres of rain today. (RSS)