Saturday, 21 September, 2024

He will work towards making administration active: Minister Tripathi

Photo: RSS

Kathmandu, Nov 21: Newly-appointed Minister for Federal Affairs and General Administration Hridayesh Tripathi said on Thursday that he would work towards making the personnel administration active by resolving the 'policy and structural problems' that existed in this sector.
Taking charge of his office at the Ministry today, he said there was psychological problem in relation to the employees' adjustment.
"The Civil Service Act is under consideration in Parliament. Many things would be sorted out once it is finalized. Especially, it concerns with some issues related to the interrelation among the three levels of government. There is some legal problem and some laws needed to be changed. We have to move ahead by building synergy," the Minister said.
The Minister for Federal Affairs and General Administration stated that he would take appropriate decision by holding discussions with other political parties as well as he believed in consensus.
Noting that change of ministers will make no difference in the government's works as it is the continuation of the same government, he said he had been watching the activities of the ministry since the past also in his capacity as lawmaker.
Minister Tripathi stressed on maintaining financial discipline in the works of the local governments and institutionalizing transparency.
The Ministry has stated that it has prepared the work procedure for the construction of the office buildings of all the 753 local levels.
Ministry secretary Yadav Prasad Koirala on the occasion informed Ministr Tripathi that 4,000 kilometres road had to be built and that the employees adjustment was not completed.
He also added that employees have not reached all the local levels and the Ministry needs to address this problem.