Saturday, 27 July, 2024

Government trying to control democratic norms and values: Deuba

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By A Staff Reporter

Kathmandu, Sept. 23: Nepali Congress president and former Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba on Monday accused the government of trying to control democratic norms and values.
Speaking at book lunching programme in Capital he warned his party would protest from street to the Parliament if government imitative continues.
He also made public a book ‘CPN Government’s scandal and scandal’ written by Nain Singh Mahar, former chair of the Nepal Student Union.
At event Deuba stated that his party earlier was fought against the governments who were tried to control democratic rights, norms and values and if present government not changes it would force to do protest again.
He accused incumbent government from its formation was handed over contract without competition, where big amount of money was deal.
He accused big monetary deal had in Malamchi and Budhigandaki project contract.
NC general secretary Dr. Shashanka Koirala urged writers to bring book by comparing performance of present government and then NC-led government.
Koirala said he never obstruct and comment on task of party President Deuba and he helped how it possible.
NC central member Bal Krishna Khand said party president Deuba was not feeling easy to work in the party due to factionalism.
Khand said incumbent government to trying to impose communist rule by controlling press freedom, human rights, freedom of expression as well as other fundamental rights.
He accused the Communist Party of Nepal (CPN) of becoming sister organization of the Chinese Communist Party as it was providing training from CCP about Chinese president thought and governance system.