Saturday, 27 July, 2024

First complex surgery performed in Rukum


By Our Correspondent

Rukum West, Sept. 29: A complex surgery has been carried out at the District Hospital of Salle, Rukum West, for the first time.
Manmala Gharti, 41, a resident of Lukum, Bhume Rural Municipality-1 of Rukum East district, had a serious pregnancy related complication after her uterus could not hold the foetus inside. The foetus ejected out inside the stomach. However, her life was saved following two complex operations conducted at the district hospital.
Manmala, who has previously given birth to six children, while nearing her delivery month this time, started to experience excessive bleeding and had reached the Kankri Health Post, located in Bhume Rural Municipality-2, Tuesday.
After her case was found to be serious, she was immediately taken, post-midnight, at 2am to the District Hospital in Salle in Rukum West.
At the Hospital, medical check-up revealed the need for an urgent operation, and during the operation it was found that her uterus had already broken, and the baby had come out and died, informed Dr. Anupmangal Samal, of the District Hospital, a MDGP doctor who had come there from Karnali Academy of Health Sciences (KAHS).
Since this was her seventh pregnancy, the uterus was very weak and thus the baby had come out prematurely, he said.
“Even when we took out the baby and started suturing the uterus, it started to break further,” he said. “On the first, 3-hour long operation, we somehow managed to stop the bleeding after stitching her uterus”, added Dr. Samal.
Following this, after it was still felt that the infection in the uterus could spread and add complexity, another MDGP doctor of KAHS, Dr. Niraj Thapa, who was in the area for service expansion, was also called in and together the team carried out Gharti’s second operation and removed uterus on Thursday, according to the District Hospitals’ Chief Dr. Mahesh Chaulagain.
The team of doctors were successful in conducting this type of complex operation for the first time in the district, said Dr. Chaulagain. Manmala’s condition is said to be slowly becoming normal and she is now out of danger.
In the recent times, following the support from the Karnali State Government’s Social Development Ministry and KAHS in providing specialist doctors and necessary equipment to the District Hospitals, they were successful in providing this type of service, said Dr. Samal.
After the doctor’s team was able to save Manmala’s life with two operations, it is being termed as the first of its kind and exemplary work in the entire district, he said.
Manmala’s husband Dhansur Gharti expressed happiness that his wife’s life was saved at the Hospital, where he had finally reached despite a very poor economic condition.
“We did not know about pre-natal check-up, so this led to the problem,” he said. “Even the village’s Health Post was far away, so we could not do check-ups.”
He added even the two previous babies had died after birth. It is said that her life was at high risk, as Gharti’s poor family could not afford treatment outside the district; but also, since she was already in serious condition, there was also the danger of losing her on the way.
“These problems are still there in our rural homes, due to lack of awareness in the villages, where many babies are born in this manner, with the lives and health of both the mothers and the babies always at risk.”