Tuesday, 24 September, 2024

Education Ministry shares works, achievements it made in two years


Kathmandu, Mar. 7: The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology has initiated a process to formulate federal education act based on the socialism oriented National Education Policy (NEP). The Ministry argued that the NEP 2076 has given policy level clarity in the absence of the act in line with federal system.

The Ministry has begun expanding higher education and technical education with policy formulation, monitoring and evaluation after the management and operation of school fall under the local level as per the constitution.

In an interview to the National News Agency (RSS), Minister Giriraj Mani Pokhrel asserted that the Ministry was committed to transformation in education with the concept that education should be the major foundation of prosperity. The interview was taken in the wake of two years of its formation.

According to Minister Pokhrel, the NEP 2076 is the major policy formulation. It was brought after rigorous discussion with wider stakeholders. Similarly, a regulation is being made for the implementation of the Free and Compulsory Education Act 2074. He also reminded that government brought the National Science and Innovation Policy 2076 for the first time.

A framework of integrated curriculum for school education has also be prepared. Internal and open examinations for the management of temporary teachers, which were waging struggle for long, were conducted. The exam schedule of the Education Service Commission has come to track with this.

Minister Pokhrel further reminded the achievements of the government that a report was being prepared on national projection of human resources. Redistribution of teachers' quota was another task done in this period.

"Although there are a lot of such good works done by the Ministry in two years, some minor issues and problems are unnecessarily inflated, thereby misguiding people," the Minister complained, adding that Ministry began all-out efforts for strengthening of public education.

He further said teachers are major drivers of quality education. They are motivated and made responsible with the issuance of 'learning card'. Discussions are on to capacitate the teachers.

"In the past, 80 percent education was general education. But, we've not stressed technical and vocational education. Volunteer teachers are being mobilized. A white paper on re-distribution of teachers quota was issued. School merger scheme is getting implemented to solve the problem of teachers' quota and reduce student teacher ratio. Colored textbooks have been produced and distributed on time," he chronicled.

The Ministry is effortful to bring in children in school by launching the national enrollment campaign. Under the literate Nepal campaign, 53 districts have been announced literate. It is expected that 70 districts would be announced literate district in this very fiscal year.

Development of model school in each rural municipality has been forwarded. Similarly, community school strengthening programme got entry in the 15th periodic plan. It is dubbed as game changer in education. The 15th plan has revolutionary programmes to make education practical. Technical and vocational education has been expanded to 604 local levels so far.

Rs 5 billion in the fund for the President Education Reform Programme. Local levels have been handed over Rs 1.27 billion for the distribution of sanitary pads to school girls for this year. The concept of eco-school has been implemented. A work procedure for child- and technology-friendly education was issued.

In order to manage the medical education, a mechanism has been established to punish those colleges which increase fee exorbitantly.

The country has achieved nearly 82 percent literacy, which is increasing. These facts prove that education sectors made achievements, the Minister further asserted.