Saturday, 27 July, 2024

Copycat inventors leave NAST scratching its head


By Manjima Dhakal

Kathmandu, Sept. 18: A trend of making claim of inventing new unheard technology is on rise in Nepal. However, despite the ‘inventors’ claiming the product to be new, they often hesitate to verify their works from the authentic bodies.
Many young Nepalis have also been misleading the public by claiming that they have innovated new technology though they have only produced the copy of already existed products, NAST sceintists said.
The trend is on rise in the absence of a mechanism to make it mandatory for such persons to get approval from bodies prior to making their invention public.
Currently, the National Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) have many committees consisting scientists of various areas.
If anyone comes to keep record about their new invention, the concerned expert committee decides first whether the invention is genuine. But only limited people come to verify their invention, said Dr. Sunil Babu Shrestha, Vice-Chancellor of the NAST.
Shrestha further said Nepal was still unable to invent such remarkable technology and system till now.
If the government develops a strong mechanism, such practices will be discouraged,VC Shrestha said, adding that the NAST was developing the National Innovation System Framework to facilitate the invention of new technology.
Recently a youth from Baglugj claimed he invented a technology which could minimize fuel consumption in motorcycles by mixing the water in fuel. He has been claiming that he was the first person to invent the technology but actually that is not reality, NAST said.
Developing helicopters and airplanes by villagers and young students of remote places is not a new thing in Nepal. However, the young Nepalese advertising them as they are the first persons who invented the technology should not be entertained before verifying their claims, Dr. Rabindra Dhakal, faculty of Technology Head of NAST, said.
Dhakal further added that such technology seemed to be derived without doing a depth research on the issues. Dhakal does not see any significant of such innovation. According to Dhakal, news about invention published in the media is nothing but fake.
Harihar Adhikari ‘Shyamal’, chairperson of the National News Agency said, “We, media people also required to verify the issue from authentic bodies like NAST. That may discourage such fake claim,” he added.