Wednesday, 25 September, 2024

Local government bars picking yarsa; revenue collection affected   


Manang, April 20 : Although it’s a peak season for picking Yarsagumba, a lucrative herb found in the high altitude of mountains, the local government has banned its collection on the ground of safety of people.    

As the nationwide lockdown has been enforced by the government since March 24 to contain the outbreak of COVID-19, human movement and vehicle traffic across the country (except for essential services) have come to a grinding halt.    

Government has been urging people to maintain social distancing to prevent the possible infection of the deadly virus. The prohibition on yarsa picking is one of the preventive measures taken by the local government to stem the outbreak of the pandemic,    
Usually, school teachers, students and their guardians flock to highland for around two months to pick the unique plant, a combined form of caterpillar and fungus with medicinal value.    

Since there is a high chance a large number of people from in and out of the district coming close during this time and could contract COVID-19 from one another, the measure was taken for the same until the next notice, according to the District Administration Office, Manang.    

A meeting presided over by federal parliamentarian Palden Tshopang with participation of chairpersons of four wards in the district made the decision to this end, informed Chief District Officer in Manang, Pushparaj Poudel.    

They decided not to open the pathway that would lead yarsagumba pickers to make headway to the high-altitude meadows.    
People from Gorkha, Lamjung, Rukum, Rolpa, Dolpa and Dhading, among other districts, flock to highland during yarsagumba picking season.

Since people from various places would assemble in a certain place beginning from mid-May and it could be a breeding ground for COVID-19 outbreak, the local government banned yarsa picking this season.    

An individual could earn from Rs 50,000 to Rs 500,000 in a season form yarsa picking. Yarsagumba is found in Namke Kharka, Danfe Lek in Naso Rural Municipality. Similarly, it is also found in Lamjung base camp of Chame rural municipality, Chumri Kharka, Yak Kharka, Ice Lake of

Narpabhumi rural municipality and Gumchang, Yak Kharka, Ledar, Tilicho Base camp of Manang Disyang rural municipality in the district.    
The ban will certainly incur losses to the revenue collection drive but given the risk of COVID-19, life is more precious than the revenue. Hence the local authority took the decision to put a ban of yarsa picking this year, said Manang Disyang rural municipality chairperson Kanchha Ghale.