Sunday, 29 September, 2024

Chartered rescue flights intensified to bring Nepalese back home


Kathmandu, June 23 : Rescue flights are being conducted in Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA). The national flag-carrier Nepal Airlines Corporation (NAC) and private airlines are making chartered flights from different countries to Nepal. Nepalese migrant workers who were desperately waiting to return back home owing a threat of COVID-19 outbreak are being rescued via chartered flights.    
Nepalese from Australia, Qatar and Kuwait are being flown back home today. According to TIA sources, nine international and eight domestic flights are being conducted today itself. NAC and Himalaya Airlines aircraft are rescuing Nepalese from Australia, Qatar and Kuwait today.    
TIA authority shared that over ten international flights are being conducted daily since past few days. TIA general manger Devendra KC said that rescue chartered flights were intensified these days and would be continued for this month.    
Meanwhile, the government has already decided to rescue about 30,000 Nepalese from different countries. The Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation has given permission for chartered flights to NAC and Himalaya Airlines and other 24 international airlines companies for operating chartered flights.