Saturday, 27 July, 2024

Winning Over The Virus

Amid the biggest public health crisis of the century gripping the nation and the world, the public was anxious and keen to see how the present government would move ahead to save the lives of the people. From the very beginning, the government took an array of measures to effectively fight the COVID-19 pandemic. The UK has removed Nepal from the red zone while the World Health Organisation (WHO) has congratulated Nepal on its success in controlling the coronavirus. The scare of the third wave has subsided. The vaccination drive against the virus has speeded up aggressively, a measure that keeps the populace assured of safety. The government is planning to conduct PRC test along Nepal-India border that is open and porous, posing a threat to the health of people during the pandemic. The neighbours, friendly nations and international community have extended their valuable support to Nepal to fight the pandemic. All Nepalis are expected to be fully vaccinated by May 2022. The government has also decided to dole out food and cash relief to the patients of various chronic diseases and victims of floods and landslides.

The government, led by Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba, has completed its 100 days on Wednesday. The first 100 days are also called the honeymoon period. Deuba came to power in an abnormal situation and it was not wise to expect big from it within a short span of time. Deuba’s fifth innings as the executive head began amidst the political crisis. The political chaos and uncertainty had gripped the country after the House of Representatives (HoR) was dissolved twice. The Supreme Court overturned former prime minister KP Sharma Oli’s unconstitutional move to dissolve the parliament, paving the way for the formation of Deuba-led government with the support of five political parties represented in the parliament. The nation’s politics and economy headed towards positive direction after he took the reins of the executive.

There was a misconception that Deuba became the PM merely on the backing of the SC’s mandamus. In fact, Deuba secured 165 votes in 275-member of Lower House. Five political parties – Nepali Congress, CPN- Maoist Centre, CPN- Unified Socialist, Janata Samajwadi Party Nepal and Rastriya Janamorcha Nepal - backed the government with a view to safeguard the constitution and parliament. In his interview granted to this this daily the other day, PM Deuba made it clear that the government was formed on the basis of constitutional provisions after repeated efforts of then PM Oli to dissolve the parliament. “The government was formed as per the people’s will – it is formed with both the mandamus of the Supreme Court and public will,” added the PM. As he said, the government is effortful to ensure the rule of law in line with the national charter.

The Deuba government has been successful in maintaining balanced foreign policy as well as cordial ties with the neighbours and friendly nations. Domestic and foreign investors are keen to invest in Nepal as the country has experienced predictable stability. The government has adopted liberal economic policy to boost investment, trade and entrepreneurship as well as make the market dynamic and benefit the consumers. At the same time, it is committed to promoting essential sectors such as education, health and food security of the people. As the PM said, the government has the responsibility and priority to holding the three-level polls in a free and impartial manner within a given timeframe.