Saturday, 27 July, 2024

The Message Of Dashain

Nepalis have celebrated the main days of Dashain, the greatest festival of Hindus, with much joy and excitement. Unlike the previous year, this year’s Dashain was more joyous as the fear of COVID-19 pandemic subsided remarkably. The number of COVID infections and fatalities has drastically gone down of late which is a positive thing. Last year, people were forced to live in the shadow of the pandemic. As a result, Dashain did not bring much happiness and smile to them. Nonetheless, the risk of virus has not wholly gone away this time, too. With a growing number of people getting vaccinated, they look bold and confident. The deadly virus has not dampened their Dashain mood. Life has returned to normalcy and the people’s mobility has significantly increased in markets and public places. Hundreds of thousands went to their hometowns and villages and marked the great festival with their parents, elders, relatives and friends. This time Dashain provided a big respite from virus panic and pleasant break from the mundane routine of daily life. But still, we should not be so complacent as to forget about the healthy safety precautions altogether.

For many, it was the moment of solace to forget their economic hardships in the wake of income losses. Millions of people were rendered jobless as the industries, businesses and other economic activities were shut down with the imposition of lockdown and prohibitory order. The people adhered to safety measures and went on to enjoy the festivities, thanks to the government’s persistent efforts to control the pandemic. The government has given topmost priority to saving the people’s lives from the coronavirus. It has launched vaccination campaign to all people by concentrating its efforts to control and prevent the infection. In fact, frontline workers including doctors, nurses, volunteers, security personnel, media persons, and government employees played their vital role in making the vaccination drive a success. We are also grateful to the international community for their support to our fight against the pandemic.

The safety measures and vaccination drive enabled us to celebrate Dashain which is a festival of reunion, unity and harmony. It evokes the feelings of cordiality and friendship as the people extend Dashain greetings to relatives, friends and neighbours. It has fostered a sense of unity and conveyed the message of humanity as the young people receive blessing and love from their elders and seniors during the Tika-receiving ceremonies. Dashain culturally brings the reunion of the people living in different parts of the world. It is not just a religious event but an occasion that promotes goodwill and harmonious bond among all Nepalis. The people created festivals in course of building society, culture and civilisation. Festivals bear mutual bond, cultural tolerance, moral ethos, people’s feats and passion for a happy and peaceful life. They connect the descendants to their ancestors through collective consciousness, emotions and memories.

Dashain has inspired us to follow the right paths manifested through the positive deeds of deities and divine figures. In his message delivered on the occasion of Bijaya Dashami, the President and Prime Minister have wished good health, peace, happiness and prosperity of all Nepalis. President Bidya Devi Bhandari hoped that the festival would add new vigour, enthusiasm and positive energy among all. Similarly, Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba said that the cultural festivals, including Bada Dashain, had been making special contributions to Nepali society and human life for enhanced fraternity, emotional unity and national glory. The harmony and unity, fostered by our festivals, need to be replicated in the common endeavours of nation-building.