Saturday, 27 July, 2024

Successful Transplant

A kidney transplant was successfully carried out on Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli at the Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital (TUTH) in Kathmandu on Wednesday. This is the second time the transplant of the vital organ has been performed on him. The medical team that carried out this major surgery has said that the transplanted kidney has started functioning well and the health condition of the Prime Minister is stable. The health condition of PM’s niece Samiksha Sangraula, who donated one of her kidneys, is also fine as per the doctors involved in the operation. The Prime Minister will have to stay in the hospital under a close supervision and necessary treatment until his full recovery. Though the first kidney transplant on Oli was conducted at India’s Apollo Hospital in 2007, this time around he chose to perform it at home. This is a testimony of the capability of Nepali medical team and standard of medical facilities available within the country. After the successful kidney transplant, the hard working medical team is celebrating the success. So are all the Nepali people.

Successful operation, full recovery and good health of the Prime Minister are being prayed for by all and this has its bearing on his successful tenure as the nation’s executive head. With his extraordinary willpower and mindfulness for a healthy living, the Prime Minister has come out a winner in the battle against his ailments. High level of motivation and willingness to make solid contribution for the good of the nation and the people has been the source of his energy. His steely determination to work despite some health issues is inspiring and exemplary. He seems to be fighting a winning battle not only against his ailments but also backwardness, poverty, corruption, ignorance and under development. All along, people have been wishing him good health so that he can efficiently serve the full term. His decision to carry out this major surgery at home also gives an important message of trust, self-sufficiency and advancement of Nepal’s medical facilities. It is evident that medical capabilities in terms of expert manpower, physical facilities and equipment have been upgraded and developed significantly over the years which will witness decreasing trend of people going abroad for treatment.

Since the Prime Minister was admitted to the hospital, people had been anxious about his health and the result of the operation. Dignitaries including Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi had wished him successful kidney transplant. Prayers and wishes were pouring from all sectors. The successful kidney transplant performed by the medical team and progress in his recovery have created a sense of jubilation and assurance. Though he may need close medical care and regular dialysis, he will return to his work before long. Dr. Arun Sayami, Cardiology Department chief of TUTH, said that the Prime Minister will have to stay under full care of the doctors for a week. Doctors expect to discharge him from the hospital by Monday. Ministers, MPs, party leaders and other personalities had reached the hospital to learn about the PM’s health condition. As the nation wishes for his good health, we join in with our best wishes for his speedy recovery.