Sunday, 8 September, 2024

Simplify COVID-19 Jargons

Ever since the outbreak of COVID-19, the disease has proven to be a major headache to almost all countries around the world. Apart from killing several, the disease has led to the shutdown of countries hitting hard the people's day-to-day affairs and economies. Back home the people have also been badly affected by the virus that refuses to go away despite several days of shutting down of the country. Besides, the arrival of disease appears to have put a large section of Nepalis in a sticky situation: the terms used with respect to the disease have left many of our folks scratching their heads in utter dismay.

A large number of the Nepalis, who are considered illiterate, do not know how to pronounce English words, let alone read and write them. However, most of the words used these days in connection with COVID-19 have them in a dilemma. In fact, the use of these 'abstruse' English terms has actually turned them clueless regarding how serious is this virulent disease. Many people across the nation are found grappling to grasp the meaning of terms such as lockdown, quarantine, self-isolation, social distancing, rapid test, PCR, antibodies, antigens, PPEs and so on. A report published in this daily has shed light on how people in different parts of the country have no understanding of these terms.

Due to a lack of understanding of these words makes them unaware of the strict practices that must be followed to avoid the disease. On the other hand, ignorance of terms may be the partial reason that several people at towns and villages have unwittingly disregarded the lockdown situation and have been seen coming out of their houses as they would have done in normal times. Several persons suspected of being infected by the virus are found overlooking the need of staying in quarantines or self isolation. They are also found disregarding the norms set for practicing social distancing. They are unmindful of the fact that these procedures and practices are crucial to flatten the curve, meaning achieving the target of gradual decrease of the spread of the disease after it reaches its peak.

The prevalent situation, unless addressed, is likely to give rise to the spread of the dreaded disease. Because lack of understanding of the terms associated with the dreaded virus blunts the seriousness of the disease among our common folks, who are the ones likely to get the disease if they do not heed and practice the measures that must be applied to avoid the disease. To deal with such situation, our folks need to be told about these terms and their meanings in the simplest of words and sentences using their own language- the Nepali language. This should be done in every nook and cranny of the country so that our folks would have better understanding of the disease and the practices to be adhered to defeat the disease. Using English terms may appear easier for those who are well-versed in the language, but it certainly gives hard times to the people who are not educated enough to understand it. Our authority therefore needs to introduce Nepali words and sentences as early as possible to replace all the above mentioned terms that are associated with the dreaded disease.