Saturday, 27 July, 2024

PM Healing At Home

Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli, 69, is going under the knife today (Wednesday) to transplant kidney for the second time at Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital (TUTH) Manmohan Vascular and Transplant Centre. Twelve years ago, his both kidneys had become failure and he had transplanted his kidney in India in 2007. As the transplanted kidney stopped working effectively, PM Oli decided to have another one which is perhaps a rare case in the medical history. One of the vital organs of human body, kidneys purify the blood by removing nitrogenous waste products and excreting them in the urine in addition to controlling the fluid and ion levels in the body. So the healthy kidneys are essential for active and meaningful life.

A medical team led by urologist Dr. Prem Raj Gyawali has completed all preparations to carry out his kidney transplant. PM’s niece who is donating her kidney to him was also admitted to the hospital. A man of indomitable spirit and willpower, PM Oli has been leading a normal life by defying many health problems. He has been regularly undergoing dialysis. Sometime back, he had undergone appendicitis operation and coronary angiography. Before being admitted to the hospital, PM Oli exuded cheerfulness, hope and confidence before the crowd of well-wishers and visitors on the premises of the Teaching Hospital. Hopeful of success of the operation, he delivered emotional yet inspirational message in a video to his fellow citizens. He urged everyone not to worry about his health. “No one is immortal in this world and I will be back to routine work with new energy after the surgery to fulfil the dream of Prosperous Nepal, Happy Nepali. I will not disappear by leaving this dream in the lurch.”

A relentless fighter for democracy, freedom and national sovereignty, PM Oli has spent most of his life for the wellbeing of people and nation. He took a plunge into politics in his teens to stand up to the injustice of village landlords in Jhapa. He was a key figure of the Jhapa Uprising that breathed life into the moribund communist movement. He was incarcerated for 14 years while fighting against autocratic regime. In jail, he seriously suffered from tuberculosis and dysentery. He fought despotic regime and cruel ailments in his bodies simultaneously. However, he did not only defeat the diseases that pestered him all the time but he also succeeded in rooting out domestic authoritarian rule and foreign hegemony. He said: “My whole life has been spent in struggles against various forces in one way or the other to bring democracy and safeguard sovereignty.”

By undergoing kidney transplant at the TUTH, the PM has reposed his faith in the medical facility and ability of physicians at home. Earlier, he had to go to India for the transplant. The medics involved in his surgery have said that he would recover in a week after the transplant. This is a matter of proud and happiness that the country’s health centres are capable to achieve the medical feat, which will discourage the tendency to go abroad for the treatment of serious health problem. There is emotional outpouring of wishes and feelings for the success of PM’s kidney transplant from inside and outside the country. In his Tweet, Indian PM Narendra Modi said: “My dear friend @kpsharmaoli ji, wishing you a successful surgery and a speedy recovery.” We too wish him a successful operation and quick recovery so that he will return to work soon.