Saturday, 27 July, 2024

Out Of Telecom Link

Communication network with its multi-dimensional facilitative power, has made the life of the people easier to a miraculous extent. We live in a new era of information in which, those who have no access or poor access to information naturally lag behind on every aspect of life. To meet the daily requirements of the 21st century, getting connected has become the basic necessity of life. Nepal has made a tremendous leap forward in the expansion of communication network with unprecedented shift in the way in which we think, interact and work. But we have a news item carried by this daily which says that northern areas of Gorkha district are still deprived of telecommunication link. This comes as a surprise at a time when access to mobile phone network with internet connection has become a common thing. Both the government owned and private sector telecom service providers are active in the country to extend communication link throughout the country.

It is hard to believe but Chumnubri and Dharche Gaupalikas in northern Gorkha are out of internet link. So much so that people have to get to the district headquarters at Gorkha Bazaar to send an email. The Gaupalika offices have to send and receive large number of documents to and from the state government offices and the centre daily. These works cannot be carried out smoothly in absence of the internet connection. Prompt delivery of government services depends on reliable telecom services and lack of good telecom service, especially the internet connection creates a lot of barriers. An official at Chumnubri Gaupalika says that the office needs a high speed internet connection for smooth work. Constant communication is necessary with the state and central authorities for which internet link is required. Running of some special software and software updating are also necessary. Internet connection has become a matter of privilege amidst the bitter reality that it is hard to get the mobile network signals.

Chairman of Dharche Gaupalika says that lack of telecom network had made it difficult even to make urgent telephone calls and send text messages. Such a reality is highly contradictory with the communication advancement of the time. The Gaupalika is forced to set up its office in the district headquarters due to communication deficiency but the people are complaining over the shift of the office. At a time when the government is emphasising prompt and unhindered services to the people, lack of functional telecom services creates a lot of obstacles. Development works are picking up pace at the local level of the government after the devolution and decentralisation of authorities, but infrastructural snags like the lack of telecom and electricity services can have adverse ramifications. This has surfaced in the above mentioned Gaupalikas in northern Gorkha. Telecom services can’t be availed without the crucial infrastructure of network towers. Nepal Telecom has built four such towers in the area but they are working only on trial basis. Until this vital infrastructure come into full operation Gorkha’s northern Gaupalikas will have to bear the brunt of deficient telecom services.