Saturday, 27 July, 2024

Mission Prosperity

Nepal has now experienced the most stable political atmosphere leaving behind the decades of turmoil and transition. In the past, the nation was condemned to reel from the unexpected volatility despite the fact that it was time and again under the majority governments. Attaining robust political stability and predictable business environment was a chimera for the country located in the sensitive geopolitical topography. It had to spend greater amount of time and energy to manage the internal as well as external challenges, which often undercut the prospect of speedy development and inclusive economic growth. Now the situation has drastically changed with the formation of strong communist government that commands super majority in the parliament. The nation has traversed a long and arduous journey to arrive at the current phase of political evolution marked by the structural changes at both level – political system and administrative cantors.

The new constitution, promulgated in 2015, transformed the country into a federal democratic republican set-up which has divided it into seven states and over seven hundred local units with defined roles, rights and responsibilities. Based on the cooperative federalism, the new dispensation has adopted the principle of self-rule and shared rule so that resources are allocated in a balance and judicious manner. The three-tier elections held in 2017 gave clear direction to implement the new system and deepen democratic values up to the grassroots. The Nepal Communist Party (NCP) that was created through the merger of erstwhile CPN-UML and CPN-Maoist Centre pulled off a resounding victory in the election.

NCP-led government under the stewardship of Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli is striving to achieve the lofty goal of Prosperous Nepal, Happy Nepali through the rapid economic growth. PM Oli underlined the vision, goal, ideological premises and direction of the government while addressing the state-level training organised by NCP Gandaki state in Pokhara the other day. He said that good governance and development formed the major agenda of the government that has completed two years in office. Guided by the notion of welfare state as enshrined in the statute, the Marxist government is poised to develop a system able to smoothly serve the populace. This administration has the onus to institutionalise the federal republic that the nation embraced following the experiment of several political systems. Those who were marginalised by the systemic injustice and discrimination in the past look to it for ensuring social and economic equality to them. It has taken various measures to this end but the negative projection of the government has given rise to illusion about its positive gains.

At the same time, PM Oli has warned that some are hatching a conspiracy against the government. The PM has not divulged the details about the ploy but it really ill behoves the nation if any conspiratorial plot has been devised to unsettle the existing power equation founded on the popular mandate. This will have worse consequences for the world’s youngest republic. In this regard, Premier Oli has made rational judgement. He said: “If the system fails, the country will move towards the extremism, and if disappointment rules, the nation will be diverted toward the rightist path.” It is imperative for all to ponder over his remark at a time when the government is straining every sinew for the wellbeing of the people.