Saturday, 27 July, 2024

Ideological Interface

Nepal-China relations have become exemplary as the two nations are engaged in enhancing their bilateral interactions to a new level. The relationship is not only confined to the diplomatic and economic spheres. It is deepening at the people-to-people level with the frequent exchanges of visits between the different layers of leaders of two neighbours. Their cordial bond dates back to thousands years when scholars and traders from two sides visited each other’s nations. Several historical figures had played their constructive role in sustaining and strengthening the relations.
Now both the nations stand to catapult the relations to a new high following the restoration of stability in Nepali and unprecedented economic development in China. The relations have entered a new era after the two countries have the strong government having similar political ideology. This offers a big opportunity for Nepal to reap the benefit from China’s mesmerising economic feat. China has unveiled Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) to boost trade, connectivity, investment, infrastructure development, policy integration and people to people relations among the BRI participating nations. Termed as the project of century and endorsed by the United Nations, BRI is connecting Asia, Africa and Europe to accelerate the process of economic globalisation. Nepal joined the BRI in 2017 in a bid to overcome its development bottlenecks and realise its lofty motto – Prosperous Nepal, Happy Nepali.

Now the ruling parties of two nations- Nepal Communist Party (NCP) and Chinese Communist Party (CPC) have started the ideological debate to bolster the party-to-party relations. It is sweet coincidence of history that Marxism-Leninism has guided the both communist parties enjoying huge popular support in their respective countries at a time communism is on the defensive globally. NCP under the dynamic leadership of KP Sharma Oli, also the Prime Minister, is winning the hearts of Nepalis and taking the nation on the path of inclusive growth, peace and prosperity. On the other hand, CPC under the charismatic leader Xi Jinping, also the Chinese President, has thrown himself into developing China into an advanced and modern socialist nation. BRI, his signature global drive, has caught the attention of the world because of its comprehensive development vision aimed at ensuring the shared welfare of mankind. Xi Jinping Thought with Chinese characteristics has enabled China to become economically and politically stronger on the global stage. Likewise, NCP is in the process of churning out common ideology out of People’s Multiparty Democracy of erstwhile CPN-UML and 21st Century Janabad (democracy) of former NCP-Maoist. Both the parties are following the ideology based on their national and historical realities.

The other day the two parties brainstormed the ideological discussion and tried to learn from each other’s experience, ideas and practice. A group of Chinese leaders, led by Song Tao, head of the Chinese Communist Party’s international department, held interaction with the NCP leaders. Song shared his valuable ideas and called for addressing the basic needs of people and embracing the economic ethics. PM Oli said that Nepal-China ties were above the petty interest and exchanges, and Nepal was for forging development partnership with northern neighbour. “Our friendship is open, free and unflinching. We respect each other’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.” The rigorous ideological deliberations involving the leaders of both fraternal parties are taking place at an opportune time and this is expected to enriching the contents of Marxism and buttressing the Nepal-China relations in the 21st century.