Saturday, 27 July, 2024

Government On Track

As the country marked the 5th anniversary of the promulgation of new constitution on Friday, the government formed under this constitutional roadmap completed 18 months in office. This period was indeed an important moment when it comes to implementing the national charter hailed as the comprehensive and most inclusive political document incorporating the aspirations of Nepalis which they had been yearning for more than seven decades. More than a year ago, the country held elections to three layers of government - federal, state and local - in line with the democratic federal framework. This was a historic step in the life of the nation because it was the first solid step in consolidating the republican system that replaced the 240-year-long monarchy. The kingship, credited to have unified the Nepali nation state from scores of tiny principalities, pulled a vanishing act under the weight of irreversible popular power. It died because of its own decaying character and deepening contradictions. So Nepalis chose a new course to write their destiny through the constitution drafted by their own elected representatives four years ago.

The KP Oli-led government that enjoys sweeping electoral mandate is saddled with the historic task of nation building by mustering cooperation of all actors, groups and stakeholders. In order to ameliorate the conditions of Nepalis - many of them are living in penury - the government has devised a snappy yet apt motto - Prosperous Nepal, Happy Nepali. This is a great vision aimed at fulfilling the basic needs of people and lifting the dignity of the country. Premier Oli, the other day, highlighted the works of his administration at the function organised to celebrate the Constitution Day, which has also become a Unity Day of Nepalis. He said that the government took many vital initiatives to institutionalise constitution and accelerate the pace of development.

The PM argued that there was satisfactory progress on the economic front as the country became able to achieve 7.1 per cent economic growth during the fiscal year 2018/19, the highest economic growth made so far in the last one decade. According to the PM’s statements, carried out by this daily on Saturday, the economic growth rate of all sectors would be in between 5 to 9 per cent while the growth rate of all states will hover between 6 to 8 per cent. The moderate gains have been made in promoting export of Nepali goods and limiting imports of foreign items and opening of commercial banks and financial institutions and bank accounts of people under the slogan of ‘Let’s Open Bank Accounts’. Likewise, infrastructure and energy development, customs reforms, technological innovation and bio-diversity conservation are other significant areas faring well.

Apart from boosting fiscal federalism, the Oli government has been firing on all cylinders to make strides in the social, political, legal and cultural spheres. It has amended 201 old Acts, scrapped 13 Acts and issued five ordinances, while 42 Bills await deliberations and approval in the parliament. As the federal government is striving to meet its overriding goals of national prosperity, peace and happiness of all Nepalis, it is imperative for it to win the hearts of all progressive and democratic forces committed to the federal democratic order, thereby thwarting undesirable elements dead-set to upend the structures of federal republican dispensation.