Saturday, 27 July, 2024

Tourism education for teachers


By A Staff Reporter
Kathmandu, Mar. 27: Tourism Research & Training Institute (TRTI) in association with Global Travel & Tourism Education Alliance (GTTP –EA), India held a four-day training for teachers in Kiritpur and Lalitpur Friday.
About 80 teachers including school principals, vice principals and coordinators participated in training-cum-interaction programme.

GTTP–India Director Dr. Sanjay Mehta spoke about the importance of training while TRTI President Madan Kumar Baral highlighted tourism potentiality in Nepal and the role of teachers in tourism promotion at the programme, which was divided into two sessions - tourism interaction & teachers training. TRTI has been conducting various tourism-related programmes since 2021. It had conducted various programmes in schools to educate students and teachers about tourism industry last year.